Step 1 Sole Source Plateau??


I'm really struggling at the moment. I've been on Cambridge Diet SS for 6 weeks now. The weight loss was pretty good to begin with, and then over the last few weeks has started to really really slow. Last week I only lost 2lbs which was a little disappointing. But then this week I put on 1lb!!! So I've basically spent £100 to lose 1lb!

I have been following SS religiously. I have not cheated. I drink nothing but water, not even tea or coffee. I have to have 4 packs a day because I'm 5"9. But I only have the shakes, not even bars or porridge.

So I honestly don't know what is going on. Is there anyone who has had a similar experience? As I'm sure you can appreciate, its tough to keep the motivation going after such a ridiculously low weight loss.

I am drinking between 4 and 5 litres of water a job involves quite a bit of walking...

I really don't know what more I can do...
You must be so upset - I know I would be too. weight is horrid - especially when it doesn't come off in a straight line like we want it too. There is a good thread at the top which keeps me going when I stay the same (sorry don't know how to link!)

If you are within a stone of a bmi of 25 you might want to look at going up a step or 2 - i know I won't want to when i get there but its for health reasons and might kick start you (my cdc has told me that you actually aren't allowed to do SS if you are within a stone of a bmi of 25 even though some consultants ignore that)

Just keep going - it will come off!
I only lost 2lbs last week (only my 4th week too :mad:). My consultant said that occasionally that will happen and you'll find you have a bigger the loss the week after. However, if it continues to be low she said to go up to SS+ for a week then go back to SS, apparently this kick starts your metabolism. Perhaps give that a try?
Yeah I'm being measured, had some very low inch losses too. Not sure what's going on but my body had better snap out of it before next Wednesday!
2lb is still a good loss a bag if sugar at at least it's all a loss. Did you say your doing SS or SS+ ? Got to stick with it hopefully should level itself out . You say you drink a lot of water maybe water retention ?
Possibly TMI but I had a week where the scales just did not budge despite nearly drowning myself in water and following the plan 100%. Turns out I was constipated! Lovely eh. Might it be that?
I am being measured, and I have yet to lose a single inch off my waist!! I'm down over a stone and not an inch...I have lost off my hips. Which is better than nothing, but still. Finding this week very hard to stay motivated. If I haven't lost anything at my weigh in on Monday I don't know what I'm going to do. I have tried every diet in the world! And I've never been able to stick with one. I've been so proud of myself for sticking with this. Everyone is shocked because I have NO will power. So it is just so upsetting when my hard work doesn't seem to be paying off...if this doesn't work what will??
Hello there! I completely understand what you mean! I've lost over 8 stone now and I've got a measly 7lbs left to go but for the past three weeks I've lost only 2lbs one week I put one 1lbs then last week STS then this week a 1lb!!! My CDV suggested bumping me up to step 2 in the hope that food would boost my metabolism and although I was dubious at first.... Over night ice magically 'lost' 3lbs!!! I've stepped on the scales 3 times now and each reading says 11:10lbs when yesterday it read 11:13!!! I can't believe that eating has made me shift some if it! It doesn't make sense in my head but I'm just going with it for this week and seeing what happens!

Have you tried a week with food (obviously by food I mean the allowed foods so the low carby vegetable/ protein stuff!) it might be worth a shot to start something
I lost 7lbs!!! I am absolutely thrilled. It was obviously just a breather before my metabolism kicked in again. What a relief!! And thank you so much for all your support! I was very close to throwing in the towel. But thank god I didn't!!

:thankyou: xxx
:) glad you didn't though the towel in.