Please help me! I'm begging ya!

Oh sweetie, we are all here with you, and I really feel you.

I've done LL, lost 8 stone, regained it all, done SW, WW ...the lot. I have to agree with lovely Laura and everyone else; it just HAS to be for you, and has to be for a reason you choose, not because of someone else, no matter how much you love them or vice versa.

I hit my own personal rock bottom again recently, my clothes are too small, my arms so huge I can no longer wear short sleeve tops, I am breathless...the list goes on.

Sooooo... I suggested to my hubby, that we book a special family holiday for 2011. We have, and that was the extra little push I needed to get going again. (I am a firm beleiver that you will only fail if you stop trying.) It is for me that we have the trip booked, and for me that I want to lose the weight this time. I know it wont be easy; in fact this week has been my first on Rosemary Conley and boy am I finding it tough. I chose that class because she offers portion control combined with calorie counting and low fat. Her classes also offer exercise, which is def NOT lycra clad luvvies, so suits me!!

Ok, this type of diet may not be for you, but there are so many to consider, please please dont go the Cup-a-soup route, it wont help you and may harm you. You are worth so much more than that, you know it.

There are some very sage women (& fellas too!!) here on Minis, we all want to offer support in whatever way we can. Keep posting andwe will listen. It wont be easy, it will be rocky at times and those are the times when you jump on here and someone will help, honest.

PM me if you like, happy to help if I can.

Love and hugs. xxxx
I think your use of the word "denial" is incorrect. A person in denial is one who says "I don't overeat, I keep to my diet and still I don't lose weight." I am not denying anything: I own up to everything: overeating, caving in to cravings, being an out of control pig with no self respect etc. I admit everything - where's the denial?

Now, my question is, where did you get that control and determination? When you have a craving so strong that you think you will go crazy if you don't get a fix of XYZ, how do you overcome it? If I knew that I think I could be a successful dieter.

Right OK sorry its taken so long to get back. Well my thoughts on the denial thing is... that I think you are in denial about the fact you are perfectly capable of doing this. You tell yourself that you are going to be able to have more cupa soups for when u fail or run out and have chocolate. Firstly dont eat cupa soups its crazy and a faddy idea. Again its not real life. This is why you would pile the weight back on. You will say, 'oh Im loads lighter than I was so I can afford this slip up'. Trust me Ive been there.
Now back to the denial thing. You are no different to me. You ARE capable of living your life as a slim healthy person. I dont have a magic secret that you dont have. There is no special pass to freedom. We are the same. That is why we have both ended up on the same 100lb+ to lose board on the internet. I can do it, so can you. It really is as simple as that.
Seriously I could have embarrased even the hardest, morbidly obese, chocolate eater with how much I could eat. I would eat giant bars of chocolate and chocolate products until I was literally sick at times. Its a demon that you CAN get rid of.
Oh and the cravings thing you mentioned, well I indulge them. There is nothing off limits. I realise the more you restrict the more I wanted. I just fill up on salads, veg, fruit, low fat yogurts, weetabix, rice cakes, baked crisps,pitta sandwiches, soups etc then because I am NEVER hungry (which is big part of my success) I am satisfied now with a weight watchers ice cream or curly wurly or a mini roll and hot choc. Some days I need more junk food others I dont.
Oh and the cravings thing you mentioned, well I indulge them. There is nothing off limits. I realise the more you restrict the more I wanted.

I couldn't agree with you more Mollysmum. We always want what we can't have and this is why faddy diets never work. You live on a crispbread and a lettuce leaf or a few cup-a-soups ;) and all you can think about is chocolate and you end up bingeing.

If I want a chocolate biscuit I'll have one, but only the one and maybe once or twice a week. If I want a glass a wine I'll have one but again it's a bit of a treat rather than several glasses every day as used to be the case.

With me nothing is off limits, it's just consumed in moderation.
I wonder what SW is - slimming world?

Anything that leaves it up to ME to restrict portions just isn't going to work. (Sometimes I think I need to be locked up in a lab for a year!)
Maybe this is exactly what you do need? If you are looking for a diet that someone else controls, it will work in the short term being told what to eat and in what amounts, but is this sustainable for the rest of your life?- at some point in the future you will be given the reigns with any diet, so you have to learn to educate yourself at the same time as losing weight- eating cup a soups is not going to do this.

I am a massive advocate of slimming world- it is not the fastest diet in the world, but it is healthy and it tackles a lot of the psychological battles you talk about. When I first started it I ate mountains of food, because I could (and still lost weight!) over time I have learned to listen to my body gradually and listen to when it is actually hungry and satisfied. Obviously I still have off days and my weight loss has been very slow compared to other people on other plans (I average 1lb a week) but for the first time in my life I feel that I am in control of food, my health and my life in general.

I really do wish you luck in whatever you choose xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I'm so grateful for all these replies.

Thanks to everyone for reaching out to me, for caring.

Some of you have such astounding weight loss that it makes me feel there is a possibility that even I might be able to do something to reduce. That even losing 150 pounds is possible, that I need not be overwhelmed by the task ahead of me.

OK. the result is, i have kept to my diet for two whole days.

Found it easy and am feeling optimistic.

I will start my own journal thread.

Thanks again one and all.
Why? Why are you wanting to loose weight? In fact the question should be Who are you loosing weight for? deep down - is it for you, or is it for someone else? ....
you mention something about 5stone in 5 months - it's doable certainly. Is there something in 5 months time you want to loose the weight for?

Thank you SO MUCH Ian for your posting, your support, your questions and for sharing some of your own story.

It must be for me, because nobody else in my life cares if I lose weight or not. My reasons are (1) mobility. Mine is pretty terrible, I waddle from side to side and wobble and shuffle about like an old grannie. I've seen myself on video and am mortified with embarrassment. (2) long term strain on joints and organs - I don't want to be this fat in my sixties cos old age is bad enough without being handicapped. (3) widen the range of things I can do. Currently I cannot fit in the seats of a theatre or cinema. There are even cafes I cannot go in cos the seats have arms. (4) sex would be better without all this flab (5) I'd look better, people would see ME and would relate to me better because at the moment I really don't think most people can see past the fat. (6) So many nice clothes I'd like to buy..... but that is a trivial one!

I have a lot of travelling to do this year and I find the prospect a nightmare, mainly because of the amount of walking involved (to and from stations, through airports, along the endless corridors on the Tube, etc etc) having to stand in queues. All this gives me great pain in feet ankles knees and back plus my gigantic thighs rub together so painfully! I've got six trips booked and paid for, and the final one, to Cyprus, is the one that I most want to lose weight for and the one that I have a realistic chance of losing a noticeable amount of weight for. 10 May to September 30... is 4.5 months.

If I could lose even four stone by then I'd be so happy. There are archaelogical sites which I would love to be able to explore with my "gentleman friend" without struggle, without panting, without having to refuse to climb steps etc.
is this sustainable for the rest of your life?- at some point in the future you will be given the reigns with any diet, so you have to learn to educate yourself at the same time as losing weight- eating cup a soups is not going to do this.....I really do wish you luck in whatever you choose

Whoever said this was "for life"? I am in an emergency situation right now and have to grab at whatever I feel I can stick to. I'm committed to this for two weeks. Then I will reconsider, regroup, see if it works, having retrained myself to smaller portions, I could then go on to Atkins or even back to zero carb....

Thanks for your good wishes.
If I want a chocolate biscuit I'll have one, but only the one and maybe once or twice a week.

With me, if there are chocolate biscuits in the house I would eat the entire packet, no matter how huge, in the space of a half hour.
You really need to change the way you think about food. I dont have the knowledge to help you but I think you need help. You need to stick to this diet, you need to say this is the last diet I will ever do that is it. Are those chicken thighs or those chocolate biscuits really worth all this suffering?
I hope you succeed.
Sorry to ressurect an old thread but I would love to know how this lady has got on since May of this year.