Points Question


I have read on the internet that the points value of food differs depending how much of it you eat. For example if a chocolate bar is 5 points if you go on to eat another of the same chocolate bar then the points value goes up to say 8. Is this right or just nonsense on the internet because my consultant did not mention this. Thanks for any help :)
I think generally points are rounded up or down so for example a slice of bread is one point, but two slices is 2.5

Thats because the value of the one slice is 1 and a bit, so it gets rounded down but when you add another slice it adds the two bits togeather to make an extra 1/2 a point

It wouldnt change that two identical chocolate bars would be totally differant ie one is 5 another is 8

but it could be if you ate two bars that instead of being 10 points it would be 11 points

I would talk to your leader about it though, cause i wouldnt know this if i didnt track online, if i tracked on paper i would be counting wrong