I love porridge talk :D

Can't wait to get home from work at 7pm and have my toffee and walnut porridge. I've mastered making it to perfection (for me), and I actually get excited when I'm getting it ready. It's the highlight of my day - how blummin sad is that!!!
I think RD needs to make some step by step blue peter stylee.. with pictures.. for the people who havnt made it on CD yet.. wanna doooo ittttt..
x x x
hey RD, lets get you on you tube, PH Porridge whilst on CD!!!!!!!!!!

I couldnt master it, mine was like wallpaper paste!!!
I didn't know that.

Maybe I should stop worying, 19lbs in 3 weeks is good.


Can anyone tell me how long a 300g tub lasts?
Thank you F40GE I've ordered them and they'll be here soon! And here's hoping Mrs Pink that I don't end up with snot!! Saying that, it's killed my urge to pick!!! I might remember that everytime I'm tempted!! sorry it took so long to reply I'm so bad at this I never remember where I am OR what day it is (just posted on wrong hour by hour!) bb xxx
I too have mastered the art! I reckon the trick is not to have the water too hot. If its anywhere near boiling then you get snot. The banana shake doesn't mix too well either, but that could just be me. I find I have to add 2 sweeteners as well, cos that then makes it more decadent! (well how decadent can a bowl of snot be!?).

1 dessertspoon of ph husks
250 -300ml hot water
2 sweeteners

Whizz the sachet and the water, use a fork to mix in the husks, wait a minute and the eat. After a while you can use the stick blender to whizz it, but only for about 5 secs. VOILA!