Portion Sizes

Little Miss Determined

Skinny here I come!!
Please could people tell me how much is too much as i feel this is interfering with my weight loss drastically.

I.e. for lunch i had 2 handfuls of dried pasta (i have big hands) and about 4 tablespoons cottage cheese
In all honesty, nobody but yourself knows how much is "too much".

The thing you should remember is to eat when you are hungry, and stop once you are full.

That way, your weight loss should not be compromised.
A little bit of advice that i was told & works is, when your eating dont watch TV or read while eating as it can distract you from your food and the feeling of being full.
I was also to concerned about portion sizes, i now have less pasta/potato and more salad or veg.
Hope this helps. Amy x
PERSONALLY I think you were spot on with the pasta, thats something I always cook too much of. I may have a little less cottage cheese than 4tbs. Did you include your 1/3 superfree somewhere in your lunch? As said above, if you felt satisfied but carried on eating, that's when you're eating too much.
I would say that you should add in lots of superfree, and maybe weigh out pasta from portion size on the pack as that is usually a pretty good guide. Are you following green or extra easy?
Ah well on green pasta is cool anyways, our consultant says we should still try and add loads of superfree in on green and that way we can't overload on carbs. I have mainly done extra easy so far though :)
Thats fine, you just need to eat more fruit and veg maybe?? I mean- mix veg in with your pasta, cook it in whatever you cook etc.

Its the key to SW- you can eat LOTS but you need lots of fruit and veg.