Prioritising Me


Full Member
I'm married, mum to two teenagers and I have a full time job so life can be pretty hectic. I've been a member of a SW class for several years but if I am totally honest I have never fully committed to the plan. I still lost 2.5st over a period of time and kept it off but never got to target. Then, at the end of last year, I put the lot back on (well, except for 2lb anyway!) due to some medication I was on. This year I lost a stone fairly quickly after I came off the medication but since about May I have been yo-yoing. I could blame all sorts but ultimately there is only me to blame - for prioritising everything else before my weight loss. Having seen some rather horrible photos taken of me on Friday night it is time to get this weight off once and for all. So, this is about me putting me and my weight loss first.

Current loss is 12lb. Target is to lose 4st overall. Interim target 2st award by Christmas.

I weigh in on Thursdays and suspect this Thursday will not be good news after the event on Friday at which the horrific photos were taken. I will be happy with a maintain, any loss will be a bonus.
I think at some point we all put others before ourselves and we tend to put what we want/need on the backburner, and say ill do it tomorrow. ill do it next week. Now is your time to give some time to YOU, good luck and put even an hour aside once a week for your WI and stay to meeting. The help and support of others is invaluable.
Well, the last two days have been spectacularly unsuccessful. After being 100% all day yesterday I managed to pour boiling water over my hand at about 7pm. Swore, cried and drank wine after that - what else was there to do? Hand very sore today so whilst I haven't been really bad I haven't been 100% either because it has been difficult to cook. You try cutting up veg one handed! ;-)
Expecting a gain at weigh in tomorrow night but am promising myself it will be the last gain in 2012.
Half a pound on at weigh in tonight. Not unexpected but I had hoped for a maintain.

We had a cheese and wine evening tonight and I picked up a copy of the new magazine which looks to have a couple of good recipes I may try this week. Next week is the launch of the new hifi bar. 3rd one in a row they have launched that I can't eat because the have nuts in. :-(

Feeling positive about the coming week. There shouldn't be anything to get in the way of the plan (famous last words!).
100% today and done an aquafit class so pleased with that. Trying a new plan of 4 smaller meals rather than 3 and going to stick with red days as I know I lose more on that than green or extra easy.

Tomorrow is dangerous, we have one of the grandkids here for the day and that tends to make me grab whatever is easiest. Got a plan though. Fruit and yogurt for breakfast. SW fry up with heb of beans for lunch because the monster will like some sausage and beans. Then, quorn stir fry for tea and I'm going to use some syns on a blue dragon sachet. That leaves both hea and a heb for supper so I can have Ryvitas with cheese (possibly one of the flavoured Kerry Low Low ones) and some fruit.

Excercise will be toning on my vibro plate tomorrow. I would like to do something more cardio but my skin can't take the chlorine two days on the run. I am going to arrange a gym induction - I'm a member but only use the pool and aqua classes - but I'm waiting until my friend can come too early next month.
Yesterday was reasonably ok. Didn't manage my exercise because grandson didn't go home till after 7pm and then I had to go shopping. Today has, so far, been 100% but this evening is a time where I may struggle. I am not enjoying work at the moment for lots of reasons and tend to get down on a Sunday evening. When I am down I tend to turn to alcohol to cheer myself up but obviously that is not going to help the diet at all!
Have a nice long bath with some candles, read a book, chop up some carrots or some fruit, anything to take your mind off the wine. If you do have it, put less wine in and have diet lemonade make a spritzer . Chin up you can do it - good luck
Have a nice long bath with some candles, read a book, chop up some carrots or some fruit, anything to take your mind off the wine. If you do have it, put less wine in and have diet lemonade make a spritzer . Chin up you can do it - good luck

Went to my aqua fit class, came home without going via Tesco and straight after my shower got into my PJs. I won't be going anywhere to buy any wine now and I stopped keeping any in the house a while back because it was too tempting! Just need to avoid bread / cheese / crisps etc etc but hopefully Downton Abbey will be good this week and will keep my mind off food.
I dont watch Downton, but good on ya avoiding the wine. I dont have a problem there as i dont really drink in the house, my downfall is crisps and choccy. I just try to avoid the fridge now at night as that is my worst time for snacking
I dont watch Downton, but good on ya avoiding the wine. I dont have a problem there as i dont really drink in the house, my downfall is crisps and choccy. I just try to avoid the fridge now at night as that is my worst time for snacking

Mine too but just recently I have started sort of splitting my tea in two. I have a smaller meal early in the evening, about 5 ish then exercise (some evenings!) about 7 ish. I then have another 'tea' after I've exercised, a bigger meal than just a 'supper'. Tonight I have had an A and b choice of cheese and ryvitas, some fruit and piece of cheesecake (home made slimming world one of course!). I'm still at risk of snacking but purely because I'm bored and looking for something to do rather than because I'm hungry and I seem to be managing to resist better since I started having two smaller meals.
It's been an interesting couple of days. I've been on plan 100% though so very pleased with myself.
Had a scan today to try and establish the reason for some problems I'm having and all is normal. Part of me is glad but part of me is frustrated that there is no physical cause to blame for the symptoms.
The other half wasn't so lucky, he has been told today that he's borderline diabetic. Apparently the solution to this is, according to the practice nurse, to eat porridge for breakfast (I'm with her on that), cut out all potatoes / pasta / rice / bread etc and exist purely on salad. Meat was not mentioned but she did say he must not eat bananas or grapes. All I can say is since when has cutting out entire food groups been healthy? Either he didn't listen properly or the nurse has no idea when it comes to nutrition - personally I suspect he didn't listen properly!
Thankfully he has agreed to come to class with me. He's going to do red days to make an effort to comply with his instructions on carbs and I get to plan his meals for him. Should be loads of fun. :p
Sounds like your not having a very good time of it healthwise the pair of you - so fingers crossed things improve for you both. I have a feeling you may be right about the food groups, ie red meat/iron if he cuts all of this out and lives on salad he may lose weight and it will bring his blood sugar level down , but he may then end up with an iron deficiency etc..Id double check just in case.
4 1/2lb loss on Thurs so very pleased. Not been on here since because I have been cooking. Constantly. OH joined SW on Thurs and is now doing red days to comply with the ridiculous no carbs rule from the nurse (he is having carbs obviously as cutting out a food group is madness). Because has gone from pretending to follow green (i.e. Stuffing his face with carbs 24/7) to eating a balanced healthy diet he is feeling the hunger. So I am providing free food. However I will soon be bankrupt from the cost if the meat / fruit / veg or I will die from exhaustion.
Anyway, I'm still 100% on track because I don't have the energy to go out and buy bad stuff!
Still managing to stay on plan despite (or maybe because of) the OH being on SW. We are both following red days and because it is so important for his health I am not finding myself making excuses.

Making a stir fry for tea tonight. Will be a bit "leftoverish" as it's nearly payday but never mind - who needs recipes!

The exercise has been minimal so far this week because yet again I have been struggling with *week but should manage one aqua fit class on Wednesday I hope. Not expecting as good a loss as last week but determined that it will be a loss even if just 1/2lb.
Its good that your sticking to plan and supporting your OH too whilst going along with your own journey. Good Luck to you both
So, this week I lost 1lb. Ok, it's a pound and they all mount up. So I should be happy. But I'm not.
This was all supposed to be about putting me and my weight loss first but since the OH had his reality check from the nurse I'm focussing on him and his weight loss. Somewhere along the line I'm taking a back seat again. I'm eating what he wants and fitting my diet around that. He likes traditional meat and two veg and will happily eat the same every night. I like variety and am already getting bored.
His health is very important to me (spot the understatement) but how do I make sure I stay on track? How do I boost my weight loss whilst making sure he loses too?
Hey RosieKat just thought id check how your doing?

Not great. Gained that pound back this week. I know why and it's making me feel guilty for being annoyed by it.

The main reason I am struggling is because I am spending all my time making sure OH has the food he needs and I am ignoring my needs. I started doing Extra Easy (I lose better on red) I have cut down the exercise so I have time to make his food. Add to that problems at work, nothing serious but enough to make me comfort eat, problems with the kids (exam stress) the result, my weight loss stops.

Had a talk to OH after I weighed in tonight, told him I need to do red so the plan is I will cook him what I am having for tea and add some potato / pasta / rice etc to his. I also told him I will be going to my aqua fit. Even on Sunday when his son and family will be here and I don't care what they think. Can't do much about work (unless they offer me a decent redundancy package so I can become a SW consultant - lol) and I can't change the kids exam stress but wherever I can change things to be more selfish I will.

Thanks for asking how I'm getting on. Hope you are doing ok too - do you have a diary? I will try and come on and post most days in the coming week to help remind me to be selfish!
Awww im sorry to hear your having a rough time of it at the moment. I don't have a diary sorry. Good for you for telling your OH how its gonna be, he surely has to realise you need to do this for you, its not like your neglecting him, his family will have to like it or lump it. If red days suit you better maybe you could batch freeze some stuff? Then he can have his pasta and stuff while you have yours. I know its not ideal making different meals but if thats what it takes then do it. I used to have to make 4 different meals in my house at times because the family didnt all like the same stuff, I hated it. Now I do what I please and if they dont want it - get it themselves I'm putting me first for a change.
You could always hope for a lottery win and then employ a chef lol. Joking aside stay strong I know its hard, but you will get to the end of the tunnel. It's not a race. Good luck for the week ahead. If you get time maybe you could post a diary, or even keep a handwritten one at home? Chin up :)