Proserpina's Weight Loss Journey


I'm 7 weeks in to my weight loss journey (sorry, I'm refusing to call it a diet for psychological reasons: if I start a diet then I surely one day end it and this is for ever)

I've lost 15lbs so far. I'm not weighing myself weekly because my weight can fluctuate in that period of time (especially when I'm premenstrual). I'm weighing monthly. That way I can see the scales going down. It's working fairly well, it stops me becoming obsessed by the numbers.

I've spent about the last 10 years on a diet, on-and-off. Jeez, how depressing is that? How much time have I spent obsessing about food and how I look? I've done everything: calorie counting, WW, SW, South Beach, low fat, low carb. All moderately successful in the short-term.

BUT, what I haven't done in the long-term, is address my appalling eating habits. I have a terrible relationship with food and for most of the last 10 years has made me feel rubbish.

Well, not any more. This time is different. I'm taking positive steps to deal with the emotional side of eating and trying to put in place solid foundations: drinking plenty of fluid, LOTS of fruit and veg, eating 3 meals a day and not snacking mindlessly. All this plus moving more.

And not getting obsessed. Easier said than done, hey?

Lauren xx
Good Luck for your journey :)
Your path so far sounds like mine at quite a few points...:rolleyes:

Onwards and upwards!! (Not the scales though :p:p)
Today I'm mostly obsessed by the scales and the number that appears on them.... not good. :sigh:

I'm weighing monthly and don't have a set of scales in my house. That all works great. The problem is that whenevr I see a pair of scales I have this irresistible urge to step right on. Doesn't matter what time of day or night, what I'm wearing. So, it can hardly be expected that they'll be accurate. I still take what they say to heart.

I'm trying really hard to ignore the numbers in my head conjouring up the self-doubt. That's a slippery slope to self-sabotage. Many a time before I have convinced myself I'm not losing weight therefore there's no point and before I know it, whoops, my hand is in the biscuit tin.

Instead, I've made good food choices and gauged how far I have come by measuring myself . I've lost 3ins off both my waist and hips. My jeans are perilously close to falling round my ankles and that tells me all I need to know.

Till the next time I see a pair of scales.....
It is best to keep off them! Speaking as a recovering scale'aholic......