P's Judddddddering her fat off! :D

Morning lady p, how the devil are you? Whats on the menu for today then, i quite fancy a little food perv ;-)
Caroline_Louise said:
Morning lady p, how the devil are you? Whats on the menu for today then, i quite fancy a little food perv ;-)

Lol food porn!!! ;-) xx
Oh im all about the food porn ladies! Did u have sauce on the side etc, ooh err missus! X
Caroline_Louise said:
Oh im all about the food porn ladies! Did u have sauce on the side etc, ooh err missus! X

Lol - we're the carrots hard?? We like them hard lol.
Oh too early for this food porn talk!! Hehe ;-) x
You lot, blimey, I feel as though I've entered a Carry On film!! ;)

It's a DDITO day today (Down Day In The Office!) so ....

68 calories - WW orange yoghurt (when I need it ... hopefully about 2:00 pm)
100 calories - Pink Lady Apple (as above)
100 calories - Cauliflower soup for dinner at home
50 calories - Milk allowance for builder's tea

Lots of cold water, lots of hot water with lemon and lots of peppermint tea. Oh, and a tin of Diet Coke. Woo hoo! ;)

Today I will mostly be trying not to wish my day away!!!! Trouble is, it's salmon en croute for dinner tomorrow and I *literally* can not wait ..... eek! :eek:

Have a great day, beautiful ladies :D

P x
yoga84 said:
Enjoy yourself today in the office :)

Oooh can't help saying Salmon en Croute though mmmmmm sounds yummy :) xx

Corr, i LOVES salmon en Croute *dribbles*

Reckon we should all start takin more piccies of meals for UD and DD's. Stadt some lik albums :)
Caroline_Louise said:
Corr, i LOVES salmon en Croute *dribbles*

Reckon we should all start takin more piccies of meals for UD and DD's. Stadt some lik albums :)

Would be true food porn then ;-)
Paulinegin said:
??? fat fingers missus?! ;)

P x

Hehehe! Just keeping u lot on ur toes :p My typing has hit an all time low, ohhh dear x
CheeseGirl said:
Hey Pol, hope you enjoyed your Sunday!
Did the book come in the mail yet? Shipped it off a week ago Friday so should be there any day now :)

Dear Renata

Have just arrived home from work to your lovely, lovely package. Thank you so much :D The book is beautiful (as is your note :D) and I will really enjoy it .... reading, cooking and eating, what more could a girl ask for?! :D

Kev, my husband, is blown away by your thoughtfulness and kindness, as am I. I think he wishes he could be a Minimim ... but this is my sacred place, so I've told him it's girls only! ;)

Thank you again. You are politely ignoring my requests about postage costs and I don't want to offend you, but I honestly would be more than happy to reimburse these.

P xx
hannata said:
what you get what you get, Lady P? :p

*has the attention span of a fly*

All the way from Cheesegirl in Slovakia :D

P x


  • image-4026485531.jpg
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What a total darling!
Honestly if only everyone in the 'real world' could be this awesome!