Puggso_32 - Plodding along

I love sum 41, this will be my 4th time seeing them. Band that defined my teens!

And as I said, spoons sweet chili noodles - 4.5

so that's 15 today so far
what were they like then?

not a sum 41 fan myself.. want to see 30 seconds to mars and linkin park though :D very expensive though, so dont think i will get to see them :(
Bad Religion - Ace, were they good??
Bowling for Soup - I'm so there :D
30 Seconds to Mars - Got cheap tickets through the Social club at work, bonus!!
The Boy has me on lookout for Soundgarden's UK tour. He keeps asking me if I've heard anything yet. They only reformed a couple of weeks ago, give it time hehe. Bet it'll be summer next year...

What about those noodles in Wetherspoons, any good? :)

Have a great weekend!! :)
The Spoons was decent enough, no real complains. Not overly filling though for me so might try it with the chicken included next time. Someone said on the thread I made about it that there is other stuff on the new menu that also falls below the 9 point of the 5-bean chilli so will be giving that stuff a bash at some point.

Right everyone I am back. Have had a manic busy few days as my band got back together to do a wee one-off gig on Friday night which was a lot of fun, good to be back with them and on stage.

Saturday was the Cowal Pipe Band Championships in Dunoon where the band had a great day, placing third. Our drummers also were awarded first place which was an amazing achievement.

Sunday was a bit of a recovery followed by getting odds and sods for moving. Bedding, duvet, sheets etc...not got a bed yet mind you :p

So during all of this I haven’t pointed. I just felt too much was all going on at once so allowed myself a few days off. While shopping yesterday I picked up WW scales from Tesco also. I’ll decide my WI day soon enough. I am in half a mind just to keep it as Wednesday evenings but we shall see. Need to get myself sorted in the flat first, move in tonight.


Porridge – 4
Toast – 1

My usual lunch of 4.5 (typing in a rush as I've been out all lunch and throwing it done me now)
Good luck for move, hope it all goes well for you xx
Good luck for the big move tonight... :D xxx

Good luck for move, hope it all goes well for you xx

Cheers both of you. Chucked the PC on for a moment before putting it away just to add;

Pasta - 5
Tuna - 1
Mayo - 1
Toast - 2
Crackers - 2.5

And that's my 21 for the day

...cya all in Glasgow! :D
How exciting! A new flat!!!!

Hope the move goes well and that you get the internet up and running straight away.

Oh and great achievements for your band etc. Dont worry about not pointing and having a life for a week. ALthough must say you do have a life even on WW.

How exciting! A new flat!!!!

Hope the move goes well and that you get the internet up and running straight away.

Oh and great achievements for your band etc. Dont worry about not pointing and having a life for a week. ALthough must say you do have a life even on WW.


Cheers Bren, I have the net going so it is all good! Need to actually sort stuff out tonight and make it a room rather than boxes!!!


Toast - 2

Cous Cous - 3
Crisps - 1
Soup - 0.5
Jelly - 0
Tomatoes - 0

Had to go to the bank for work there so that was 2 points earned!
Hey glad the move went well, saw on twitter about you forgetting where you put your duvet! haha sorry had to laugh :D hope you've found it now, or very cold nights for you! hehe :) xx
Hey glad the move went well, saw on twitter about you forgetting where you put your duvet! haha sorry had to laugh :D hope you've found it now, or very cold nights for you! hehe :) xx

I have found it. In the mate who helped me moves van!

I think I'll buy a cheap sleeping bag in tesco tonight and then get it brought up asap!
the guy ate your duvet?! :p
the guy ate your duvet?! :p

Sorry miss teacher, I should have used a couple of dashes there to make sense of it ;)

Got a duvet now, bought one in Tesco. My mum is gonna keep the other one incase it's needed down the road (which basically sounded like "for when you stay as you now no longer have a bed).

Did my shopping at Tesco there. Lots of pasta, dutchbread, WW yoghurts, jelly and WW bread! Sorted! Just need to get to poundland at somepoint for crisps :D

The walk there and back also got me 2 points so 4 so far saved today. Cos of the unpacking etc I haven't ate yet. About to rectify this!
TLC mushroom pasta - 7
Bread - 1
Dutchbread - 2
Yoghurt - 0.5

17 today.

I make it 4 saved from eating and 4 from AP. Not bad for not actually meaning to try haha!
Jelly - 0
Porridge - 3
Toast - 1
Yoghurt - 0.5

Just dropping in to say hey.. =)

Howdy :D How are we?

Left my lunch at the flat didn't I! :rolleyes:

So crisps - 2
Soup - 0.5
Carrots - 0
Dressing - 0
Jelly - 0

7 so far
Always good.. On my msn i saw a like "Stephen has changed his pic" blah blah.. Are we wearing fake glasses now?? lol.. :p



1 - How you know they aren't real glasses? ;)

2 - Ok they are fake...but they are a mates and I wanted a picture in them

Toast - 1
Tomatoes- 0
Jelly - 0
haha yes.. that pic.. i was like.. zomggg stephen is one of those crazy hipsters (is that what the kids are calling it these days??).. :p