Puggso_32 - Plodding along

Cous Cous - 3
Soup -0.5
Snackajacks - 1.5
Carrots/dressing - 0

Tea will be

Mince and potatoes - 3
Bread - 1
Crackerbread - 2


Walk to band and back gets me 2
hiya! just read your last wee while and then realised you were from glasgow! where abouts?

well done on your WL, difference is amazing!
hiya! just read your last wee while and then realised you were from glasgow! where abouts?

well done on your WL, difference is amazing!

I'm from Greenock originally, moved to Glasgow a few months back. Living out the east end!

Cheers very much for the words :)

Rest of the night;

Crackerbread - 2
Toast - 2

19.5 for the day.

Total saved - 1.5
Total earned- 2

CF to tomorrow - 8.5
Happy Friday all! :)

CF - 8.5

Porridge - 3
Toast - 1

Walk to the bank and back at lunch - 1.5 earned (so up to 10 now)

Cous Cous - 3
Quavers - 1.5
Soup - 0.5
Jelly/Carrots/Dressing - 0


Some might be wondering why I suddenly include a running total of my activity points (and to those on pro points now...remember them? :p) on here, well basically with the great minimins phone app I have I no longer keep notes on my phone at all of my points and solely use the site so it makes sense to keep tabs of EVERYTHING here rather than just my points intake.
TLC Veg Curry - 5
Bread - 1
Wotsits - 1.5
Jelly - 0


Going to Frankie Boyle tonight so wasn't worth heading to the flat so will be meeting mates coming up from Greenock so will walk to get them. Will update on how long the walk is etc once I have done it :)
Re: Puggso_32 - How to triple your loss in a morning...get your weight wrong!

About 35 mins walking. Round down to 30 so 1.5 points earned
Re: Puggso_32 - How to triple your loss in a morning...get your weight wrong!

NAJH said:
Have a great night, and hope Frankie doesn't disappoint (is it double s or double p? Don't look right)

Anyway, have a good one. xxx

I think it's the other round!

Was superb, not for the easily offended mind you!

Have a good weekend!
Toast - 1
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0


1.5 saved plus 3 earned.

So c/f tomorrow is 4.5 added to the 8.5 already so 13.

And nothing to use them on seeing as it's a sober weekend!
View from my window this morning


Will be going walkies in that!

Porridge - 5 (big mahooosssiive bowl)
Toast - 1

Reckon my walk earned me 4 points, and probably amazing calf muscles! :p
Burgers - 2
Toast - 1
Crackerbread - 2

11 so far
Went to the pub with a mate this afternoon to watch the football.

Had 3 pints and 2 coffees as the heating wasn't working in the pub!

I call all pints 3 points to be on the safe side so that is

12 points drank
1.5 points earned walking

I started the day with 13 AP so I will just cancel them all off against the drink today.

So currently at

11 points for today
AP points - 5.5
Pasta - 5
Sauce - 1
Bread - 1
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0

C/F 6.5

Porridge - 5
Toast - 1

glad you enjoyed FB.. i saw him a couple months back in Mboro.. he was really good but totally agree hes dead offensive to some LOL. He kept picking on a spotty teen in the front row and asking him if he invited little girls or boys upto his room for alone time LOL.
Aye but if going to see him you should know what to expect I guess!

Lovely snowy day here;

Walk to tesco gets me 2

Snackajacks - 1.5
Carrots/dressing - 0

Got 0 point soup on the now
Had some soup earlier before watching The Notebook, beautiful film :)

So sitting at 7.5

Going to have
chicken - 3
Rice - 5
Bread - 2
Crackerbread - 2
Jelly - 0

isnt that a bit soppy and girly for you? ;)