Total Solution Pushing me to the limit


Silver Member
Hi guys n gals hope everybody is doing good!

Just wanted to pop in for a bit of motivation

I'm on day 9 now not been feeling too bad at all. But last night well 3.00 am this morning my 6 year old woke feeling really poorly then at 4 then 5 then 6 n OHs alarm went off at 6.30! So I'm pretty tired!

I have to say tiredness is one of the most common reasons I break diets don't know why I just lose the will when I'm tired

I'm now off work (stressing about that too) with my little princess who is looking n feeling awful! N I have this deep hunger feeling! I'm glugging away though don't wanna fail or fall off the wagon

..... Must stay strong!
I know how u feel. My 10 month old daughter isn't well and is up a few times during the night plus I have a sore throat which is keeping me awake I've been so tired and I'm also on day 9. Don't give in we can do it !! We will be skinny
Hi honeypop sorry to hear little one is poorly too isn't it just awful when they are ill!

I'm awaiting the GPs call for advice as my LO is borderline fever lethargic not eating not drinking etc

Hope you n your little one are feeling good soon! Yeah you're right we can and will do this! I just keep thinking how I'd feel once I eaten n I know it's not worth it
Oh no!!! I hope ur LO is ok! That sounds horrible. Once we get to our target we will be happier. Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels :)
Aw hope your DD feels better soon, it's horrible when your kids are sick :( Maybe try and get a nap if she falls asleep.
Stick with it you'll be disgusted with yourself if you slip up.

Hope your day gets better x
Will she take ice lollies for you or jelly it's a great way to get fluids into them
Thanks for all your advice n support guys she won't take anything. She's trying to drink but so far she's managed half of a kids cup of juice since 4.00 am she's very lethargic n has fallen asleep again though. Maybe once she wakes n the last dose of calpol kicks in she might drink for me.

I've had my bar half hour early feeling a bit better I won't cave in o know I won't just gonna put my feet up while she sleeps

Hope u all have a good day x
Aww, i'm in the same situation my daughter is ill as well and she would not sleep last night and i'm sooo tired today i could just eat something nice but of course i won't lol. Don't give up now i know it's hard.

I hope she gets better soon x
Awww, I hope everyone's LOs get better soon :) xx
I hope your poor little girl feels better soon xxxx

I know how you feel though, I've got six children and they've all been so poorly this last week, they take it in turns a domino effect lol!

Well done for staying strong and resisting temptation xx