Evening all.... xxx mwa!

The sailor is back.... and she wont be bloody sailing again!

OMG... Tuesday night was awfully, the sea was as rough as hell, 50 mile an hr winds! I was rolling round the bed like a bloody malteaser on a empty plate, everything in the cabin was creaking and moaning! including me!!!:8855:

Nope, its not my cup of tea, I was bloody petrified!:eek:

The ship, crew, service, food and entertainment was outstanding and if it had been anchored in Southampton without moving it would have been a fab holiday.:8855:

Anyways... hope your all well and still on the wagon.

Jumped on the scales as soon as I got home, looking like a 3lb gain and I'm happy with that, but we will see Monday night at WI!

Was wondering if I could join you guys!

I started SW last week and weigh in on a Monday. I live in Dorset and work as a careers adviser. I am hoping to lose aroung 12/13 stone!! Argh!! Seems so much! But first goal is 7lbs!!

wow! welcome to lots of new Queens :D it'll be lovely getting to read your posts xxx

I hope you are enjoying college Laura, it must be rather posh having a blooming starbucks on site! I feel rather deprived down here now! Still... I'd probably spend my days guzzling buckets of hazelnut flavoured mochas so tis just as well I stay where I am :)

Welcome back patsy...you do make me chuckle lol. Hope you aren't creaking or moaning as badly now that you are safely back on land xx

Capricorn! what a gym junkie! it knackers me to even think about what u get up to :D

Spanx, I loved that brastop site. will definitely be spending some of hubbys cash there (im sure he wont mind one bit!)

Things are fine here. Ive avoided pizza tonight and only had synable quantities of booze so all is well. I never thought i'd see the days where I was pouring malibu into a gravy jug JUST to make sure i only have 100ml!

Was wondering if I could join you guys!

I started SW last week and weigh in on a Monday. I live in Dorset and work as a careers adviser. I am hoping to lose aroung 12/13 stone!! Argh!! Seems so much! But first goal is 7lbs!!


fab attitude! its much less daunting to make smaller goals to focus on. i think there are a good few of us queens with a bigger amount to shift so you are in the right place. I tend to take it 7 lbs at a time as well xxx
Woohoo! Patsy is back! Hello my lovely! Sorry to hear you were a bit :9529: on the ship, but at least everything else on board made up for it!

Welcome Jayde - I'm sure you will fit right in! There are lots of us with lots to lose in this team and we're very good at keeping each other motivated and on track. Good luck with your first mini target!

Glad you enjoyed brastop Karen, I'm sure your hubby will appreciate it too!!! ;)

Never, join the club sweetie! I've not had the best of weeks myself and lost my mojo a bit, but a stern talking to and lots of support from this lovely lot have got me back on track! I realised that even though my losses have been slow and I've not managed to stick to plan 100% due to having a social life, in the 14 weeks since I started I've lost every week except 1 (and that was down to a 4 day trip to a Belgian beer festival!!) - so even if it's slow, it's coming off! Good luck sweetie and I hope you find your mojo soon x
Morning everyone!!

Day 5 of the first week and I think I have done well... Not too sure... I opened a WKD last night for 13 1/2 syns :eek: but stopped at the one. I've followed only green days so far.. I want to do an EE day today but don't understand it too well.

I had my toast, beans and egg for breakfast. I want to do KFC Chicken for tea as my Dad is coming over.

Welcome Jayde - We weigh around the same! Good luck in your journey!!

Hope everyone has a great Sunday :)
Welcome back Patsy, sorry it wasn't the best holiday though. A 3lb gain sounds pretty good for a cruise so you can't have gone too wild with food and drink.:)

Welcome Jayde.:D

Karen, not to boast but there are apparently two on site though I've only seen one. It's a pretty new building and Starbucks seem to spring up anywhere new.:eek:

Becky, with EE the basic points are you have only 1 HeB and HeA per day. Each meal should consist of atleast 1/3 superfree fruit and/or veg then you can mix free green and red food. So you could have a roast meal with meat and potato then the rest superfree veg. The superfree rule limits the amount of free green and red food. Syns are the same. So today when you had beans on toast with egg if you'd filled your plate with mushrooms and tomato as well it would be a EE meal meaning you could eat bacon with it too. Does that help or make it more confusing? :giggle:

I'm off out for a meal today though not sure where. I'll be on my best behaviour of course.;)

Where is Capricorn with her WI news?
Afternoon all, hello all new peeps, kookie, boo an jayde....erm an any 1 missed i have trouble remembering my kids names so don't take it personally.;)

Capricorn where do u find time to fit in all that gym?? So much dedication is very inspiring but I'm sure just reading what you've done is good for a few burnt calories :D!!! when I've got a lil less jiggle and a bit more oomph i will have to use that membership for lb's off me bum not just £ out the bank :p (unfortunately I'm sure this will mean making it past the bar its attached to :()

Kiss well done on your 4 off!!!!

Patsy i think you very brave for even attempting a cruse, i get sick crossing the Mersey.......but that could do with being in close proximity to the dark half;)!!! i did do the Dover to Calais thing with a hand full of valium!! however to come back i bought a plane ticket and sat thru a 3 day strike in Charles De Gauelle it was sooo worth it!!!

Saw my mum yesterday for the 1st time since i went back to SW, i'd told her about my 13lb in 2 weeks over the phone but had commented it would take a while before there was anything to show or less to show as it where, well the 1st words out of her mouth when she opened the door......"oh love u can see it! you've lost a chin!" my mother is so blessed with tackt an grace i am sometimes astounded how she has got to 64 with all her own teeth!!, gotta love her tho lol :D any way she and her friend have decided to join me on Tuesday cos she could do with "shiftin a few pounds" I'm also hoping that she might get so inspired by the recipes she might finally decide to learn to cook :D:D

Anyway bored you all enough have a fab day ladies xxx

(p.s while typing was eating a roast chicken mug shout, not entirely to bad but rather large bits of dried rosemary :()
Good afternoon my lovely girlies

Im only managing to get on once a week at mo, so im sorry i havent been as stalkerish as i usually am!

welcome to all the newbies booboo, jigglymum, kissme,sorry to any i have not yet found, welcome to our lovely team! there is always room for a few old queens! well..princesses! gonna read back over posts, so hopefully will get to know you all a bit better then! this team is just fabulous, i hope you all really enjoy it!

havent updated my ticker in ages, so i will do so tomorrow as soon as i can grab a minute! my last week on this placement and i have passed i think! woo! well im getting lovely feedback anyway so fingers crossed! and gosh, i didnt know there was so much to learn in neurology! its fascinating, but i will shut up about it as i know its not interesting to everyone else (hubbs is bored of hearing about it i think!)

Havent even started to catch up on posts so will start the mammoth session in a min! but patsy how was the cruise my dear? i am pestering hubbs to book one for next year! capricorn, still enjoying the gym hun? any more dates bev?

be back tom to resume stalking duties! have a fab evening, lots of love!

ps. any nice recipes for chicken thighs/drumsticks? got a looooad of em reduced and wanna use em up! xxx
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Patsy hun nice to have you back:)...

Welcome jayde and good luck with your weight loss journey:),i also set myself small targets then i don't feel its a huge mountain to climb.
well done on all the losses.I've lost 2lbs this week.

Losc very pleased for you that your placement is going well:).Hope you are ok and evrything is fine with you.

hows college going laura?

hope everyone is having a nice sunday:).

onwards and downwards.

loads of sw hugs to everyone.

Evening all!! :)

Sorry I haven't been around much this last week. It's been such a busy week! :( We work on a 2 week timetable and this past week is the worst one of the two...I teach 29 out of a possible 30 lessons, so it doesn't leave much time in an evening to do anything other than plan plan plan!

Anyways...welcome to all the new members of the group!! It's fab to hear how well you're all doing! :D

Patsy - I laughed soo much at the thought of you creaking and groaning aboard the ship :8855: Welcome back though love! :D I love boats, and the choppier the water the better in my opinion! I can quite happily sit there lapping it all up while everyone around me is rather green around the gills, lol!

Sorry to pop in only briefly, but I have more work to do before tomorrow :( On the plus side...I lost 2.5lb on Friday!!!! I'm now only 1lb away from 3.5 stone :) Keep your fingers crossed for me next Friday :)

Good luck to anybody weighing in the next few days! Hopefully I'll be able to pop in later in the week!

Sian xxx
Evening all!

Well it the night before tomorrows wi and I can't wait to go to class tomorrow evening and see a loss. I'm sure it's gonna be a good start!

Made the giant Jaffa cake recipe from this site it is awesome!

Hope everyone is well

Morning girls,:)

Well it is the first day at the new job,:eek: so lets hold our breath and see what it brings!

Still not organized from holiday, but no worries nobody will do the ironing while I'm gone, so no need to worry about missing out on that wonderful job! NOT!

Right I is off to do a 30 minute blitz of the house and a 10 minute blitz of moi!:8855:

Have a fab day chickadees xxx
aw good luck patsy at your new job, im sure youll be fab! still catching up on posts peeps! be back later xx
good luck patsy! and well done to surreygal and sian on the losses :D I thought you might be drowning under the books for a fresh term Sian..lol bless ya!

I know i have been saying this for about a month now but i really will go just absolutely nutso if i dont get my club 10 and 2 stone stickers tomorrow night. i have really really tried this last 2 weeks and will not be responsible for my actions if those scales arent kind to me!

other than that, i hope everyone has had a great weekend. xxxx
Morning all

Had a bad weekend alcohol wise lol, was very good with my food though.
Had a bottle and a half of wine on Saturday night and then 4 small cokes as I was out until 6am and was flagging by 3 lol.

Stuck to my meals though, I only snacked on fruit and I am 100% back on track today so I don't think it should be too bad. I basically have no syns left this week (I WI in Wednesday) so have just planned all free foods apart from the occasions 1 or 1/2 syn here and there.

How is everyone else? Hope you all had a good weekend
Good morning world :D

well done on the losses ladies and hellooooo to the newbies :D

Didn't manage to get on yesterday -was a wee bit busy.... anyway -2lb off for me yesterday :happy036:and best of all I did my measurements and since I joined the gym 3 weeks ago I have lost 28cm overall -from various places :eek: -the biggest measurement being 4cm off my "fatta podge" (belly):bliss:
Hubby has gone away this morning and won't be back until Friday evening :( -so I must keep myself out of mischief *well the fridge*:giggle:

Patsy -glad you are back safe and sound - I don't like going on the P+O ferry let alone a cruise, it makes me feel as rough as a badgers bum the minute the engines fire up :sign0137:..glad you had a good time, apart from the sea :p and good luck with your new job!!!!
Sian -glad you are back :Dthat 3.5st shiney WILL be yours this week :party0011:

I have decided to be "big n brave" this week -Im going to try a GREEN week :eek:.. I have a really sore acidy feeling stomach and I "think" it might be the red meat doing it -so whilst hubby is away Im going to go green and see how I get on - I may be shouting for assistance if I get confuddled :d'oh:
Im looking forward to not "paying" for peas n sweetcorn -how sad is it that they are the things I love most :p
oooohhhhh I forgot to mention the other day that I had an email from La redoute to say they had a further sale - now ladies -those who were on about needing new bras -depending on your sizes they have them from less than £5 -just a case of if they have your sizes ....
I might have taken advantage of the clothes sale :whistle:
ok -so 6 pairs of trousers, 7 tops a new bag and a lovely new "slinky" nightie ....ooooppps - NOW in my defence I will be taking very good care of them so I can pass them on :p and they didn't "technically" cost me anything as its from my "treat myself fund" which is all winnings hubby has given me ;)
This week Im going to have a sort out AGAIN so I will have clothes to pass on if anyone is interested -will let you know what and the sizes when I finish sorting :D

Right I had better get off and get on with something -have a lovely day all and keep up teh great work!!
Pinkies crossed for those weighing in today :cross:

Back from WI

Hi all!

Well I lost 5.5 lbs this week!!! Woop woop !!!:D gonna go for another good loss this week!

Hope everyone else is doin good!

Patsy hope your new job is good!


Patsy hope your first day in your new job went ok:).

capricorn well done on your loss,good luck with doing a green week.

fabulous loss jayde!! well done:).

sian hun great loss,hope your ok:).

:wave_cry: to everyone.
Evening all:)

Firstly thank you so much for all the good luck wishes.:) I'm bloody knackered, my bootie didnt find a chair till just now and boy did it feel good.:D

But the tea for tomorrow is sitting in the fridge, the ironing has had a bashing and OH has had job after job. :DAll hands on deck thats what i say, I is a working girl now so he can get his finger out and help!

A big well done to the fantastic losses, all those Lb's gone forever!!!:D

Hope your all getting to grips with your new routines.

Oh I nearly forgot... it was my WI tonight... I gained 1.5
Not bad for a weeks cruise lol

well its bed time, how do I know... because my eye lids are up and down like a brides nightie!:8855: