Great loss hoping:D

Hope everyone is doing okay:)

Sts for me last week which I was pleased with as *week and felt so bloated.Having a good week so far.I am going away at the weekend so I am hoping for a loss fingers crossed. I posted this nsv on the other board but I'm going to tell you all ha ha. I went to sainsburys's and when I came out someone had parked so close to my drivers side door you couldn't even open it:eek: so I went round to the passenger side and climbed across to get in to my seat, now I wouldn't of done this last year!!!! I haven't done that in a long time:8855:I pulled out of the car park with a big grin on my face:D:D

Righty ho I'm off do to some wii and I need to do some more packing.

Keep shrinking everyone:)xx
Surreygirl, well done on the NSV!!!! Dont you just love those!!!

I had a sneaky peek at my scales this morning which are showing 1/4lb down so I would be chuffed to bits if I could ever make that a 1/2lb by tomorrow morning considering my meal off plan & it being * week!!! I'm having a red day today so fingers crossed.

I can't believe I am now on week 6 of the kettleworx programme. I just completed the core today with my new 7.5kg kettlebell which I probably couldnt even have lifted when I started!!! I'm planning on re-doing the whole programme from the start now I'm more familiar with the moves & using the heavier bell. I'll see how I feel at the half way point again & then think about maybe going for a 10kg though that might be optimistic. I'm holding off doing any measurements until I finish the programme now so that I can give my overall inch loss for the 6 weeks but my trousers are getting very loose so I am optimistic I have said goodbye to a few more inches!!

Anyway I'll update what the scales say in the morning (please be kind!!! :eek:) Hope everyone is keeping well & those lbs are melting away :)
I weighed in this morning & have lost a lb which I am really chuffed with considering!! That takes me to 13 st 10.5 lbs so I'm slowly but surely making my way to the 12's!!! Hope the scales are as good to everyone else :D
Well done Sweet pink on your loss:D and go you with the kettleworx programme sounds like you are doing really great:D
Well done Sweet pink on your loss:D and go you with the kettleworx programme sounds like you are doing really great:D

I'm absolutely loving it!!! Off to do the cardio one now which is a killer!!!! :eek:
Goodness me, it's quiet in here!

Hope everyone is well - are you all on your hols this week?!

I have been away for a few days, booked a cottage with my parents, sister and her family to celebrate my Dad's 70th birthday. Had a lovely time, but with two meals out and lots of wine and birthday cake I'm not very hopeful of anything but a gain this week!

Still, instead of writing the whole week off, as I would have done many times before, I got straight back on track and have had a good couple of days.

I've added another photo to my album, bought a few new clothes last week and can't resist showing them off!! :D
Oh no hoping - hope the pain is easing. Don't try and do too much too soon, or else you'll be back at square one.

Well done for having a 100% day when you're feeling ill - it's always tempting to turn to the comfort food, so you should feel very proud of yourself! x
Hey guys ............. i am back !!! Not been having a great time after op but I am now back for good! Gained 11.5lbs in a few weeks and i can feel it, i am so depressed :-(
Been on track yesterday and today, going out drinking later after work so will be using up a good few syns :-(
Hope everything is good with you all and you are all well xx
Hey guys ............. i am back !!! Not been having a great time after op but I am now back for good! Gained 11.5lbs in a few weeks and i can feel it, i am so depressed :-(
Been on track yesterday and today, going out drinking later after work so will be using up a good few syns :-(
Hope everything is good with you all and you are all well xx

Hi Debz- nice to see you back! Put this all in perspective - you've had a rotten time of it lately with your gall bladder issues, so don't blame yourself for the gain, it will take a while for your body to get used to things. SW is the ideal diet for someone post-gall bladder - it's low in fat, high in fibre and low in processed foods, so well done on jumping back on the wagon and good luck for this week!

I've lost 2lbs this week - yay! Very unusual for me to lose more than 1lb in a week these days, so I'm really pleased with that. I'm now only half a pound off the weight I achieved with SW last time round. This time, I'm determined to go all the way! :D

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! x
Debz, I'm so glad you've had your gallbladder op, slowely you will start to feel so much better. I was less sore after about 2 weeks and I had to go back to work then. Try not to carry any heavy loads. Don't worry about the small gain, that's easily reversed now you are back on plan.

I could do with some help ladies, my weight loss seems so slow, it's been 7 months on plan for me now. I need to alter that (hence the edit) because looking at my stats my loss is fine, I guess it's just a motivational blip.
Morning everyone:)

I'm back from my hols and had a great time,stuck to plan fairly well ;) had some lovely meals oohhh the puddings;):eek::8855:I did wi yesterday and in two weeks I have put 1lb on so I am thrilled with that,I thought bit would of been a lot worse.If I wanted something i had it and enjoyed it.Back to it this week 100% .Hope everyone is well :) will go and catch up on posts. Happy monday !! x
I havent really had much to report other than the damn plateau that I seem to have hit!!! I've had yet another STS last week & I'm not expecting a loss this week as I've a wedding to go to on wednesday so although I am not drinking any alcohol the food is beyond my control. I purposly havent been measuring inches as I started the kettleworx from the beginning again this time with a 7.5kg kb this for round 2 so took my measurements at the start & am not going to take them again until i finish. I must be losing a few though coz some of my 14's are starting to get looser!!!! :D

Debz great to see you again & now that youve the op out of the way you'll be no time is shifting those few pounds once youre feeling better

Spanx... soo jealous of your 2lb loss!!!!:jelous: Well done though. Amy tips you would like to share????? :eek:
Thanks everyone, i am back and this time i will be here for good! Got so much riding on this weight loss. I am needing to get sum good receipes etc s i hv been caught in a rut this week. Fed up with the same things all the time. Having Gammon Steak tonight for dinner and i will go shopping later before work to get fruit etc as i am nightshift. Need something to help me through the night x
Well after a few weeks away from here I'm back and over the last 2 weeks I've put on 10lb!! Really not had my head in the game. However, as of today I'm doing a week of Fast Forward so hopefully that will get me back on track with a good loss. Really really want to be at 15.7 when I go to uni but as I go in 2 weeks that probably won't happen. I can try anyway but just being back in the 15's would be amazing and I know with really hard work I can do that.
Cherryblossom, you'll have that 10lbs shifted in no time at all. Good luck with your Fast Forward week

Well princesses I had a loss this week!!!! Not a huge one but a titchy 0.5lb which after weeks of STS I am absolutely thrilled about so keep everything crossed that I'll have another loss next week too... a big one would be nice but I'm not fussy & will take what I get so long as its a loss!!! lol

This week I also celebrated my 1 year anniversary following slimming world so 6 stone something lighter & 5 dress sizes smaller I am thrilled. Hopefully this time next year I'll be at target & maintaining which would be even better!!! Anyway my top target is 11 st 10lb as that is what brings my bmi in the normal range so I have just 2 stone to get to that & then I will take it from there half a stone at a time until I feel comfortable with my size & weight.

Another achievement for me this week was that I completed C25k (finally!!) & just to celebrate (or run off a few extra calories) I did a 45 minute run & really surprised myself by being able to do it. This time last year I couldnt have run the length of myself quite literally :eek: Now on tuesday I am starting bridge to 10k which I am really looking forward to :)

Anyhow good luck princesses & looking forward to hearing how everyone is getting on
Spanx... soo jealous of your 2lb loss!!!!:jelous: Well done though. Amy tips you would like to share????? :eek:

No idea Sweet - I haven't really done anything different! I think sometimes our bodies need a few weeks to adapt to the changes and therefore we don't lose, but as long as we stick to the plan it will come off eventually!

Well after a few weeks away from here I'm back and over the last 2 weeks I've put on 10lb!! Really not had my head in the game. However, as of today I'm doing a week of Fast Forward so hopefully that will get me back on track with a good loss. Really really want to be at 15.7 when I go to uni but as I go in 2 weeks that probably won't happen. I can try anyway but just being back in the 15's would be amazing and I know with really hard work I can do that.

Well done Cherry for getting back on plan and posting your gain. Sometimes posting that we've gained is almost harder than the gain itself! I have no doubt that you will be back in the 15s in no time - good luck for hitting your 15st 7 target in time for uni. x

Cherryblossom, you'll have that 10lbs shifted in no time at all. Good luck with your Fast Forward week

Well princesses I had a loss this week!!!! Not a huge one but a titchy 0.5lb which after weeks of STS I am absolutely thrilled about so keep everything crossed that I'll have another loss next week too... a big one would be nice but I'm not fussy & will take what I get so long as its a loss!!! lol

This week I also celebrated my 1 year anniversary following slimming world so 6 stone something lighter & 5 dress sizes smaller I am thrilled. Hopefully this time next year I'll be at target & maintaining which would be even better!!! Anyway my top target is 11 st 10lb as that is what brings my bmi in the normal range so I have just 2 stone to get to that & then I will take it from there half a stone at a time until I feel comfortable with my size & weight.

Another achievement for me this week was that I completed C25k (finally!!) & just to celebrate (or run off a few extra calories) I did a 45 minute run & really surprised myself by being able to do it. This time last year I couldnt have run the length of myself quite literally :eek: Now on tuesday I am starting bridge to 10k which I am really looking forward to :)

Anyhow good luck princesses & looking forward to hearing how everyone is getting on

Well done Sweet, that's amazing. 6 stone, 5 dress sizes and 5k runs - who'd have thunk it hey?! Isn't it fantastic to feel so much better about yourself? I have so much more confidence these days (and I would always have said that I've never been short of it, but looking back, at my fattest I was horribly self-conscious and there were lots of things I didn't want to do because of my weight.) In fact, sometimes I think the mental changes are even better than the physical ones, although as they are co-dependent I guess they're both equally important!

I have had an unexpectedly fabulous week! I weighed-in this morning at 11st 13!!!!! That means I lost 3.5lbs this week, and got my 5st shiny! WOOHOO!!! :D:D:D

I haven't been in the 11s since 1997 (I think!) - onwards and downwards!

Hope everyone is enjoying the bank holiday weekend! xxx
Wow Spanx, well done on another great loss!!!!!!!

I have added my 1 year progress pics which I am soo chuffed with


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Oh Sweet, you look absolutely amazing! I love that outfit - was that the dress you wore to the wedding? I have no idea how you manage to walk in those heels tho'!!!!

Well done on your 1 year anniversary - let's hope we both reach our targets in year 2. x

Tried to rep you, but it told me I need to spread the love around a bit first!!! :D
Sweet, you look fantastic well done!!!!!!!!

All is good here, I hot sw woman of the year in my group today. Very embarrassing but just the motivation I need to keep on track.

I will be a normal healthy weight one day!
Oh Sweet, you look absolutely amazing! I love that outfit - was that the dress you wore to the wedding? I have no idea how you manage to walk in those heels tho'!!!!

Well done on your 1 year anniversary - let's hope we both reach our targets in year 2. x

Tried to rep you, but it told me I need to spread the love around a bit first!!! :D

I tried to rep you for your strawberry addiction a while back & it told me the same!!!! lol

Thats the dress I wore to the wedding. I had to keep the bolero on all day not because it was tight but because it was gaping a bit at the top!!!! :eek: I love the outfit though so I'm going to get a dress maker to alter it when I hit target :D

I started B210k today & after managing a 45 minute run last week I thought 4 x 10 minute runs with a 1 minute walk in between would be a breeze....how wrong was I????:eek: My first mistake was starting off too fast & then by the 4th run I thought my lungs were going to pop!!! The last 5 minutes of the last run were very slow but I completed it & will not make the same mistake again :eek:

How is everyone in prinessland getting on??? the thread has been sooo quiet lately. We really need to liven up & help eachother stay motivated to reach our Christmas goals!!!!!! :D