Queenie's Diet Blog

lol. queenie you really are mental :D i'll meet your half pound gain and raise you a half pound...

i had totally forgotten about the steps and havent been wearing my omron. will dig it out tomorrow.

heres to a better week of losses for us both. xxx
This is surely a minor blip for both of us, to make us humble for the inevitable, staggering weightloss we will both make next week.

Had a crap day yesterday - no a blow out or anything.

Colleague took me out for coffee and a bun. Didn't want to go over board so had a rice crispy cake as it looked the least damaging.

Then didn't get to stop an eat anything until 6pm, grabbed a salad roll.

Went straight to a moot (pagany pub social) after work. So didn't get in until midnight, couldn't be arsed to cook so had a mugshot and hot chocolate.

Felt hungry, tired and grumpy all day. I know it's another case of poor preperation.

As I said I didn't blow the syns bank - but didn't have a grand day on plan.

Morning Queenie :D

Im sure you will get that itty bit whipped off in no time ;)
My pedometer slides onto my waistband -but then has a strap with a clip to secure it again...good job too as I would have lost mine ages ago if not :p....
Its horrible when folks spring things on you isn't it!! even if its just "ooh join me for coffee" -especially if you are used to being organised.
Hope you have a good week -keep at it ...we are getting there:D
Thanks Capricorn,

My ped did have a clip, it was just rubbish!

Much better day to day, walked miles with a local community warden (I'm a youth worker, getting a brand new project, but no staff yet so budying up with other organisations to do consultation with young people).

Ate regularly, wasn't hungry and therefore not grumpy. Had a lovely treat of a couple of choccie biccies, but stayed withing syns limit.

Friday, had a nightmare hell day. Didn't eat until 6 pm and ate all my Hex's whilst waiting for a ring back from Social Services.

Ended up sending young master Queenie for chips, which I didn't enjoy.

Over the weekend, I've just hid under the duvet.

I had intented to have 10 syns a day, but I've not really stuck to that intention. I've done a lot of walking this week and had some Jazz hands.

I've just had a moo-ey end of week. I've had 74.5 syns - so not hugely over what I'd set myself as a target.

I think I've just done some emotional eating and not been perticularly pro active.

Though that said I did cook a potato curry on Saturday (with enough rice over to be the base for Sunday's lunch and tea).

So I'm hopeful that the scales will register a loss - I just know that I'm not sticking to plan.

But today's another week. Lets get stuck in.

Bah humbug.

I won't be able to get to class, as I've been called to a DASBAG meeting in the morning, can't get to class next week as I've got Euro Camp.

Can I be good and go it alone, I don't want to go off the rails, just because I can't get to class. I don't want to put on the 7lbs I've lost.

So I am going to have to be little miss planned and prepared.

Exercise wise, Euro Camp should be shooting fish in a barrel, in the mornings I'm leading guided tours around Dover Castle, evenings I'm doing Scaletrixs and Gods' knows what for the late evening program.

I've got my books and I know the plans - I've just got to be better prepared.

queenie... like you said, you just have to be really well prepared. come on here everyday possible and post what you are doing. no hiding or thinking that you can relax, lady! thats what i would end up doing... can u imagine coming back to a nice 3 or 4lb loss after a couple of weeks being really strict? if ya need help or some tough love, give a shout!

on a side note... could you not get to a different class?
Thanks gals,

My Tuesday class, is the only day time class locally, all the rest are evenings, and in the evenings I'm working with the Yoof!

Today has been good, fruit for brekkie, jacket spud for lunch and pasta salad.

Made enough pasta to have a ready made lunch for tomorrow.

Hopefully, a little more cooking for scratch will be all shapes and flavours of fun.

Need to grab some HexB's, then I should be set up for the week.

heya queenie, havent seen you around and was wondering if all is well. hope its all going good for you hun xxxxxxxxxx
Me too, Karen!

Hope all is well Queenie and you're just off on a fab holiday somewhere! x
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and not being held prisoner by yoofs with a grudge lol xxx
Hey ladies...I'm back

Summer hols (working with da yoofs) working all hours and not getting to class, SW went out the window.

End of October to beginning of November, went away on an all inclusive holiday, need I say anymore???

Back to 202 lb a 1lb less then where I stared in the summer boo hiss. But here to try again.

aww queenie its good that you weigh less than you did in the summer AND you got a AI holiday too. Well done and welcome back xxx
Cheers hon;

Yep not too bad all considered, it'll probably be another week before I can get back to class, as I've got training this week. But it'll be good if I can get back on the wagon now, and use mini's as my support.
