Quick question for CDCs


Full Member
I'm hoping to become a CDC when I finally get to my goal weight,have thought about it before but never did anything about it at the time.

Anyway,do you need an actual office? Or would my back room do? It has a pc in there ,2 x 2 seater leather sofa,tv,xbox etc but plenty of storage space too!

Also the only CDCs I know do it in their spare time and still have a full time job,is there potential earning to get a part time wage out of it? I'm not asking your income just I only want to earn abot what I would get doing 16hrs minimum wage(what I am doing now) and wonder if there is potential to do it as your 'main' job.

Many Thanks cdc x
I have my ex dining room as my office. It has chairs, computer, stock in here ....

I work part time - not sure if there would be enough business for me locally to work full time. I do between 10.30am -8pm 5days a week, but not weekends. Often I'll take a day off in the week too - and as long as I schedule it into my diary that works.