Rage dump

Everybody Hurts is such a beautiful song and she murdered it...grrrr.

And as for Eoghan - if he wasn't Simon's act then Simon would be slating his weak voice. Rant rant :D
Hope you all dont mind a weight watcher joining your thread but ahve a bit of rage I would like to dump and move on....

Mother i love you cos your my mum but you are the most negative person I know and tho I'm sure you dont mean to you bring me down sometimes (like when I was younger and your nickname for me was thunder thighs , is it any wonder that I've ended up with self esteem & weight problems?)
Anyway I know its cold but it really is ok for me to leave my house and even take my children with me...we all own coats!!!
and yes we are going to book a holday for next year, yes I know thers a recession starting but that doesnt mean we are all going to loose our jobs and starve to death.... we need to enjoy ourselves sometimes.

Thanks, that all feels much better out. She'll never know or be offended and so everyones happy
Rage dumping is an excellent idea! I wanna say this to my mum and dad...

Get all that frozen **** out of the freezer, all the tins of crap, packets of sauces that I could make from scratch, all the crisps, chocolate, biscuits and cake and all the other **** out of the ****ing house before I come home, or YOU WILL EXPERIENCE MY ATTITUDE PROBLEM AGAIN YOU STUPID ****S!

Oh, so much better!
Hi mommyb, so sorry that your mum is being negative towards you, your parents are the people you expect to be there unconditionally so when they bring you down it's the worst kind of negativity. Well done on your loss so far, you show her how it's done! Sending hugs xx
She rings every weds after my weigh in and says ' how much have you put on ?'
She's always been the same and I really don't think she even realises she does it. When i do say anything she claims to be joking.

Most of the time i have learnt to just let it go but sometimes..........
I hate it when it's like that, you're damned if you do but you're damned if you don't. It can be hard to let it go when it's week after week but you sound as though you are doing really well so far xx