RC to WW??????


New Member
Hi, I have been with a Rosemary Conley class for a year and lost about 3 stone. Now the class has closed and my friend and I are devastated, we have no other class near us. So, she has suggested going to WW - how easy do you think the transition would be? I wonder if we could continue to follow RC but go to WW class for support? or do we forget RC? which is sad because I really believe in it! And sorry the class has closed. Feel a bit high and dry as we have been very loyal to the class. What do you think? thankyou.

What a shame - that isn't good news. Whilst I think WW is the bees knees, I you really like RC, maybe call the company, see if there is another class relative nearby, or could you become a leader of your own class?

Why did it close down?

Lindsay x
Hi, thanks for your reply. It closed due to class sizes becoming too small, and the closest class to us is a 60 mile round trip. And my friend and I cant car share as the one day suits me and not her and the next day, vice versa. Yes we LOVED rc! And I have been in touch with rc who say they are trying to find someone to cover the area, but it is difficult in a recession as start up costs are £25k. No way would I want to do that! thanks
Good evening!

Oh blimey! I suppose you never think about that side of thing - start up costs I mean! Ok.. Can the on line forum people help you? I have no idea of the format of RC, so I'm probably being simplistic! Apologies..

Try a WW meeting and see what you think.

Lindsay x