Step 1 Sole Source Re started


Full Member
So today I restarted ( was going to last week but didn't) I have seen my consultant and feel crazy pleased with myself, I've been off plan for 4 weeks and haven't gained any weight at all sbd have lost another 4.5 inches!!! :-D today is a good day! Going to be 100% again.

Although I dunno if I am going to do ss or ss + the losses thing keeps running through my mind! Any thoughts?! X
Well done on the restart MrsP :)
Im doing ss+ and so far im finding it really good, I lost 7lb this week and 5lb before that. Thats 12lb in just two weeks :) !!! Maybe you could mix it up a bit and ss some days and ss+ on others?
Jemma xx
Well done on the STS and the inches loss! :clap: That bodes well.

As for SS or SS+ do you find it easier to leave food out of the equation altogether? Do you have any trouble stopping eating after your 200cal meal? If the answer to either of those questions is yes, do SS. Otherwise, do SS+.

Weight loss is almost identical on either step (don't ask me how that works, it just does. :)).

Me, I have to leave food out of the equation.
Thanks ladies! I'm super pleased! :) I did 2 weeks ss then 2 weeks ss+ and think I def prefer bit of food. However I can stop at the 200cal so guess I'll head to get some bits! :) exciting! Xxx