Total Solution Ready to be me again.....

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. Thinking of you xx
Omg, I totally nearly stuffed my face! But, I resisted, downed a load of water and came on here, and feel so much better!
I know they are just cravings, but cleaned house from top to bottom today, so probably just feeling a bit tired from that.
Still feeling really positive about this diet, feels different from last time. I know not everyone is going to agree with what I'm doing, but I don't have to explain myself to anyone. As long as my OH supports me, and I'm healthy to look after my B, they can all jog on, lol!
I feel so much more in control of everything in my life. It's my decisions that count, not other peoples opinions. I just wish they could understand why I'm doing this. It's not because I'm lazy and just want a quick fix, I'm doing it for my health.
At one point, the Drs thought I had liver cancer, but thankfully it turned out to be fatty deposits on my liver. But that really made me sit back and look at my life style, and something had to change, I want to be around for a long time for my little family. So, I quit smoking (2 weeks and 2 days) , I don't drink alcohol anyway and now I'm taking control of my weight.
It's all good in the hood.
Much love, peace.x.
Wow, well done with tackling smoking and weight loss all in one fell swoop! Must be testing your metal to the limit. Keep up the good work. XX
Thanks for the kind words guys :)
How awful for your friend, and yourself to have suffered such a loss. It just goes to show how much people are going through everyday, and defo helps me put it all into perspective!
I'm a women on a mission! I just want to be healthy ( and skinny ) so I can be a role model to my B.
Thanks again
Much love
Day 10, 100% TS.......get in!!!
Feeling so good about this diet, soooo glad I decided to do it again.
Been a bit moody today, just family stuff really. I've got 4 sisters, 1 of them we don't speak to (whole other story!) and the other 3 live in the area. I've always tried to keep us close and try to stay in contact, but they just ain't interested. Don't get me wrong, if I needed them, they would be there. I just wish I wasn't the one always doing the texting, ringing etc.
I suppose as you get older, you sort of drift apart and go own different paths in life. I should be happy really, we are all happy and healthy, and that's a lot more than others I know.
Ok, no more feeling down about something that really, is just a thing of life.
Ahhh, that's better, I cant believe I've never done a diary before! I can write down how I feel without boring my friends to death, lol! Sorry guys, your gonna have to put up with my **** from now on ;)
Hope you guys are all doing ok, especially the ones having a rough time of it. I'm only 28, but I know how it feels when bad things go down and you can't see the light at the end. It's there, just be patient and allow yourself time.

Much love...peace xxx
Had a day off today, but, it's all good. I made the decision, ate and ready to get back on it tomorrow.
Don't worry, I didn't fall off of the wagon....I stepped off for a bite to eat, and am now firmly back on board ;)
Still feeling really positive about it all, can't wait to weigh in again!!!
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Well done you. I don't think I have your willpower cos I think if I stepped off for a bite to eat I would stay for a fortnight and unpack my bags. I think sometimes allowing yourself something controlled can make you feel less deprived and get it out of your system

keep up the good work. xx
Another TS 100% day ;)
Got a very posh wedding to go to on Saturday, and the preparations have begun! Wearing new shoes in, fake tan applied to my legs ( for the first time in my life) , bought a lush dress that I actually felt good in!
I'm really looking forward to it! I dont drink anyway so no worries there, just gotta avoid the food.
Just one little thing....
this girl is going, and she thinks she is the bomb! She has a tendency to flirt with other peoples men, especially mine, grrr!
Poor OH, he is just too nice and slightly niave to this, but it drives me insane. I trust him 100% , and would not ave a problem leaving them together in a locked room, but, I'm quite fiery, and just think she is disrespectful and immature!
She knows exactly how I feel about her, as I told her to politely stop rubbing herself up against my man whilst "dancing" with him, lol. I think if I was my normal weight, I'd find it easier to cope with, which is why I have to make sure I look slammin on the day;). To be fair, we are probably about he same size, so that's good. I'll try and post a pic of the dress for your opinions...or be brave and post a picture of me in it!
Hope your all good
Much love
Bet you knock her dead!! Clearly she is insecure about something if she feels the need to act in this way and there is nothing more attractive than wearing an air of confidence, so you go girl.

Have a great time and enjoy. XX
Cant wait to see the dress and I bet you look great in it.

I am sure this other girl is just totally jealous of you so you just enjoy your night xxx
Let's face it, if she thinks she's competing with you, then good for her. You've already won.
Oh, it was all going soo well.....
Tried the dress on so my sister could see it, and her words where " to be honest, you look really old and it's too tight."
I heard my confidence drop into my boots! So, I took it all back, came home and ate like 10 biscuits!! Was really pissed off, I want an honest opinion, but talk about harsh!
Anyway, long story short, I have learnt a valuable lesson today..
Don't give in to food at the first negative comment you get.
Don't give a **** about what other people think.
Remember why I'm doing this in the first place.

In a way, it's a positive thing it happened, I'm working out my food triggers, and getting straight back on it.
Done some more toning tonight, and feel much better for it, and tomorrow I'm going out to find a slammin dress, and not worrying what other people think about my fashion sense!

Hope you guys are all good in the hood
Much love
Well done on taking a positive about a negative situation!! You should definitely stick what makes you feel best, when u r confident it doesnt matter what u r wearing you will look glam :) havnt we seen an awkard girl in a hot dress...not attractive. Go for what u feel like and just enjoyyyyy!! And well done on working out after a slip :D xxxx
Well, think I'm going to have to start again on Sunday :( so bloody annoyed, I was doing so well!
Got a wedding tomorrow, won't be drinking, but it's a sit own meal, and would feel awful if I left all, as they have paid for it.
Oh well, gonna sign off till next Sunday, and come back with an epic weight loss!!
Much love
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Just try to be carb light at the wedding and you'll get back in ketosis easier.

A slip is only a disaster if you don't learn from it.
Well, back on it, and I'm hitting it hard!
Put on 2lbs so that needs to be gone, at the latest, by Wednesday. Then, hopefully, get a good loss like my first week and end up in the 12's!
Bring it on!
Hope you guys are all good
Much love
Easy peasy! Then you'll feel great when you cross that threshold x
Back to 13st 4lb!
Need to lose 4.5/5lb by end of week....bring it on!!!
Well done you! Snap - we seem to be the same height and I have lost 3lb this week so am also 13st 4lb. Feels good to me.

You have obviously got this thing licked and I am sure we are both going to make our goals (mine is 15th December when me and my family are going on a cruise for nearly a month over Christmas and New Year) Quite how much damage I will do whilst away I don't know but at least I will be starting from a level playing field I hope.

Keep up the good work. XX