Ready to give up ( but know i shouldnt!)


Full Member
Hi everyone,

I have about 2.5 stone to lose and have been going to class for the past year.
I started at 13st0.5lbs, and am now 12st 4lbs. The lowest i got to was 11st 12lbs. I know if id really tried i could have lost it all by now. I seem to be stuck, i always end up messing up and getting back to 12st4.
I always have treats in the house, and sometimes can be really good and stick to syns, but what usually happens is i end up hungry on a night and just eating whatever, without thinking too much about it. Or, i wake up in the night and come downstairs and eat even though im not hungry!?
I want to lose the weight by summertime, but im really struggling.
im thinking of giving up classes and doing it on my own, but deep down i know itll just fizzle out.
My problem is im so bored of quorn/pasta & sauce etc, ( i dont eat much meat at all), and also the planning and cooking time etc.
I know the effort is worth it, but im so disheartened with it right now.
In 2010 i was 14st10, and through a combination of being ill/depressed/ and sw ( on my own), i lost about 2.5 stone. Im only halfway there though.
I come on here everyday, looking at recipes etc, but i dont have a lot of money to spend on fancy ingredients etc.
I keep thinking if i have just one good week where i lose something, that would spur me on, but ive either put on or stayed the same for the past few weeks.
Im just sick of the same food i guess, and i dont know how people eat this way the whole time. I find it so hard sticking to 10-15syns a day!
I dont know what im expecting people to say really. I guess i should be looking for new recipes and things to try.
Any advice apreciated x
The only way you will be able to lose weight is if you actually want to do it. You need to find a way to make your desire to lose greater than your desire to not stick to plan. This is only something that you can do for yourself and although others can give advice it is ultimately down to you.

Why did you want to lose weight in the first place? Is that reason still valid now? What makes you go off plan and is there anything that you can do to counter that?

I am curious that you think a lot of the recipes call for fancy ingredients as I find sw very back to basics and although I now have a lot of herbs and spices there is nothing that I eat that I would consider fancy and I've lost over 5 stones on the plan so far. What kind of ingredients put you off?

Maybe if you post the kind of things that you like to eat and what you already have in your cupboards we can come up with some simple ideas or point you in the direction of a diary or two that will help.

Sorry if this sounds blunt but sometimes I think tough love is needed, lol.
Perhaps you could try shaking things up by trying one of the other plans? Are you on Green mostly?? (Just going the fact that you mentioned quorn products. Also, remember there are lots of very simple meals you can cook - jacket potatoes, beans and low fat cheddar for example?

To be honest, I think (just from what you're saying about comfort eating / waking at night / the past) that you could be suffering from depression now. It might be worth a trip to your GP for a chat. It's hard to get motivated to do things if you're depressed, so it needs addressing. Maybe have a go of the Goldberg test...

Goldberg's depression test
You can do this hun! I would be bored living off Quorn and pasta . Look for easy cheap recipes and look for new healthy extras it may help x
The only way you will be able to lose weight is if you actually want to do it. You need to find a way to make your desire to lose greater than your desire to not stick to plan. This is only something that you can do for yourself and although others can give advice it is ultimately down to you.

Why did you want to lose weight in the first place? Is that reason still valid now? What makes you go off plan and is there anything that you can do to counter that?

I am curious that you think a lot of the recipes call for fancy ingredients as I find sw very back to basics and although I now have a lot of herbs and spices there is nothing that I eat that I would consider fancy and I've lost over 5 stones on the plan so far. What kind of ingredients put you off?

Maybe if you post the kind of things that you like to eat and what you already have in your cupboards we can come up with some simple ideas or point you in the direction of a diary or two that will help.

Sorry if this sounds blunt but sometimes I think tough love is needed, lol.

The first part of this struck a chord with me = I have seen dozens of people over the years come to class for a couple of weeks and then leave again because their heart wasn't really in it ( myself included ) and they have come because they feel the need to lose weight but the time simply isnt right for them.

Why dont you just forget about it for a couple of weeks and see how you feel by not doing it? yes, you may gain a few pounds but I bet it will give you the kick up the bum you need to start afresh, x
Thanks for your help girls. Think I'm going to give it another week with some different recipes and see how I do. I just feel silly weighing the same everytime it putting on. I have something to aim for now as just found out will be going on holiday nxt month, so hoping to lose 7lbs for then.

I am depressed at the moment, and have been thinking of going to drs. I've been before and was given citalopran which I never took because the side effects were scary. I got through it with a SAD light, St. John's wort and cod liver oil.
Am going to look through those cheap recipes and plan for next week xx
Hi Jezzi999, thanks for your reply.

I would love to try antidepressants if I knew for sure they would work, but have been too scared so far. The most worrying thing was seeing 'suicide' in the side effects ?! Not something I've thought of, or would ever do, but that's why I'm reluctant to try them x
What kind of meals do you have at the moment? Maybe if you wrote a typical couple of days down we could maybe then suggest new things for you to try that are quick cheap & easy x
Last few meals on my food diary have been: Quorn burger & pasta & sauce, quorn mince with oxo, onion, peas & mash with cheese on, quorn cottage pie with Sw chips & mushy peas, layered cheese & pasta salad, . Been overdosing on quorn as got it on offer. On top of that I've been using syns on chocolate and all the bad stuff x
I'd defiantly suggest mixing it up - seems most meals consist of pasta & I know that's perfectly fine yet I also think that mixing up your diet can encourage boosts in your weight loss.
Something as simple as sw chips & eggs say one night with beans - mega cheap yet a total switch on what your eating now & no meat "0)
Jacket potato - make some sw coleslaw - do you enjoy salad?
Curries - really simple butternut squash & spinach - with rice lots can be made so its just a case the of re-heating it

Hope this helps a little x
How about

vegetable pasta bake (tomatoey sauce, cheese grated on top) - one bake would make several days meals and just need reheating each day

Veg stirfry with a hex of cashews chucked in

Home made veg/quorn special fried rice

Baked bean lasagne (recipe in the recipe section)

Risotto (most of the Riso gallo brand risotto sachets are free)

Rissotto is fab - I oven bake mine so no messing. Fry off onions garlic peppers mushrooms etc add the risotto & vegetable stock, season then bake . Add Parmesan using he a
how about adding in some body magic? would be of benefit from a weight loss and mood perspective. I was pretty much in the same position as you, lost 1.5 stone then stuck, pound on pound off for 6 months, upped the body magic (started the couch to 5k running program ) and the other stone came off all of a sudden.

I've recently been started on fluoxetine (prozac) and the side effects weren't nice, but I'm into week 3 now and starting to feel the benefits and side effects almost gone, I would urge you to give them a try, I never thought I'd be in a place where I would need them but I want my life back from the depression and can see that happening now.

Well done for continuing on the plan and good luck for success. xx
Thanks for the help everyone, really apreciate it, and will be trying some of those recipes next week :) will try to get some body magic done too x
If I can add about the potential side effects of anti-depressants? The extreme ones are rare but you're right to be aware of them. The best thing to keep yourself safe (I think) is to take someone into your confidence when you're starting on them- then someone else can help to monitor your moods and help you reach out for help if side-effects are severe (again this is very rare). I know that my husband is useful for helping to monitor my moods - I suffer from recurrent depression every few years, trigger unknown, an often I can't see that I'm suffering until he gently points out how I'm behaving differently and suggests I visit the doctor/counsellor. Anti-Ds are not the cure-all but they can be a really useful tool. However, counselling, exercise, good sleep and just having a really good belly laugh are also all things that will help. I hope you feel better soon- xxx
"I always have treats in the house"

If i always had treats in the house i wouldnt have lost a single pound.
Thanks hatti,

At the mo it's just me and my 5 yr old son at home so that's why I'm extra cautious really . I don't have anyone to keep an eye on me.
I don't feel as bad as I did a few years ago, so I'm hoping I can get through it myself . The main thing is for me, I can't sleep properly, ill have an hour or two then be awake again all night . Usually as soon as I've dropped my boy off at school I go back to bed out of sheer exhaustion. I could be using that time to go swimming or do something productive but just don't have the energy. I'm hoping losing weight will change that
Lol gazter, I think that's why I've stayed the same for about the past 6 months :/ x

Just dont buy them at the supermarket! Things like biscuits, chocolate and crisps are a curse. They taste so delicious, they're very high in calories and they do nothing for filling you up.

If they arent in your cupboard you cant eat them. If you want to eat something, have a bowl of high fibre cereal like bran flakes or all bran, with a banana. That will have a good chunk of calories in it also, but importantly it will fill you up.