ready to start swinging but not sure about eating

Principessa N

Minimins Addict
My kettleworx arrived yesterday and I was a little daunted by the 10 dvds and still apprehensive about if i'd be able to do it but actually after watching the introduction I really think I could do most of the workout with maybe a few pauses, Usually work out vids make me feel really awkward but theres something about Ryan that doesn't.

My question is what diet do you? I've done them all at one stage or another and never done very well at them so recently my diet hasn't been great but I've recently been having digestion problems, so I need to be doing something, was thinking slimming world but sticking to red days.
Good luck with the kettle bells they are great! I do kettlercise classes at least once at week. Be aware after 1st work out your legs will ache .. Hot bath and some deap heat type cream on your legs and your be fine :) walk it out next day or so and carry on and your be doing fine :)

With digestion issues try some aloe Vera juice cranberry flavour is nicest it helps soothe every thing sort of helps keep you regular too :)
Welcome aboard Nicki. Ryan does make the routines feel do-able :)
With eating, I'm still trying to sort myself out here too. I'm trying to go with the basics - more fruit & veggies, less junk, more water, sensible portions, etc.
I hope you find an eating plan that suits you :)