really bad mood swings anyone?!


I'm just wondering if anyone else has bad mood swings!
I get really bad mood swings, they usually start about a week and half before my period and last about 2 weeks! I get really depressed and feel down all the time, cry a lot for no reason and have terrible mood swings! so half of the month I am a nightmare to be around! I hate being like this and it's ruining my life. I just don't know what to do!:cry:
I don't get them quite the same. Tiny things will set me off into a bad mood at random times. I can be fine and with an hour I will literally turn into an evil psycho depressive. I'll go evil, then will start to feel like I have no friends then it will turn into an emotional breakdown. And I can feel it building up but can't stop it. Good to know my doctor won't change my pill though even though its that causing it. She won't change it or take me off it until i've lost weight, so i'm stuck with the mood swings.

But yes, I get bad mood swings.
Yes, I was like a schizophrenic come the week before my period is due.

And then emotional for the week I would have it.

Now that the doctor has me on the combined pill, I seem to be emotional all the time!

Hopefully the hormones will kick in, and my moods should regulate themselves...
I'm not going to go on the pill as I want to get pregnant so I have beeb looking into alternative remedies to help with the hormonal imbalance!
You could try natural remedies like evening primrose oil and b vitamins and I find a daily walk helps with the natural endorphins in the body.

The hardest part is getting oh the door!

Good luck with the baby making too, make sure you are taking your folic acid :)
Have you had your levels checked? I found that I got like that when my vit b12 levels were low. Since being aware o this I have added a supplement to my diet and symptoms
Have eased for me.