Really need a similar Diet buddy, for 1,200 cal's a day, plus I can't exercise


Full Member
I realise that I'm doing an unusual diet for the UK.... Dr Siegal's Cookie Diet, but essentially it is 1,200 calories a day. I feel I really need a Diet buddy to even begin the Diet!! Had an awful year last year, ending with my beloved mum (my only family), dying in a nursing home 500 miles away, on Christmas Eve. a coping method, I thought I would try and get to grips with losing the 2 stone I have gained in the last 8 months (partly due to comfort eating, and partly due to taking the drug Amitriptyline, for chronic pain and migraines, which is known to put a huge amount of weight on people).

If possible, it would be nice to have a similar type of person, so that our weight loss would be on an equal footing.... I am unable to exercise due to M.E and Fibromyalgia.

Please get in touch if you want to join me in the fight against the flab!! Lol


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