Really struggling


New here - saw the heading strugglers and re-starters and thought - that's ME!

I'm struggling SOOOO much to keep off the small amount of weight I lost last year and need to lose much more but am beginning to gain again - I just CANNOT let myself do this again.

But I just don't know where to turn for help and support and I find it almost impossible to do it alone.

Last year my GP was replaced by a new lad doctor and she was brilliant - she referred me to a healthy eating weight loss group - funded by the NHS and I finally managed to go from 13 stone 4lbs to 11 stones. I still needed to lose at least another stone and a half but I began to feel good about myself, getting fitter and slimmer and not feeling such a freak. Going to this group every week, getting weighed getting healthy eating advice and tips and sharing and comparing notes with the others really helped me lose the weight little by little a pound or so a week.

But in December we had to move house and moved to a new town and had to change doctors of course - and here there isn't anything like that class. I'm not working and funds are DREADFULLY tight and I can't afford to join a fee paying class. I did go to weightwatchers for one free introductory meeting hoping it might kick start me but I didn't understand their points system and couldn't afford to go back.

I joined a pilates class - which is helping me keep fit - I also joined a walking group but its really a slimming club I need. I had managed to stay at 11 stones since December even though I hadn't managed to lose any more.

Yesterday I put on my jeans and they felt really tight so I got weighed and found I've put on 3 lbs - I'm terrified this is the start of the slippery slope - that I've lost the motivation and will to slim and am going to pile it all back on. When we moved house I got rid of all my size 20 clothes and have replaced them with a few size 14 and 16s I can't bear to have to buy bigger ones again.

I'm feeling so depressed and low that I'm frightened I'll start to binge eat and I just CANNOT cope if I put the weight back on that I lost and I really really want to start losing it again but just can't seem to stick to it - my intentions are good for a day or two then I slip and give in to temptation.

That's it just wanted to have a whine and moan and am going to really really TRY to get back in healthy eating mode. Good luck to all strugglers and re-starters - >hugs<
Hi love. I read this and realised i an exactly the same. I lost just over a stone a year ago but still have two to go but cannot seem to find the will to do it. Iv started putting a little on again 4lb and am also terrified this is gonna be the start of somethin i don't want it to be. I originally lost weight with a friend at a sw but she got down to a tiny size 8 n packed it in. I feel like i need the motivation of having someone else to do it with to spur me on again :-\ its so hard n is also really gettin me down. If there's anything i can do to help u no where i am Xx
Hi, I really feel for you to. I'm new to this site an your thread really struck a chord with me. One thing that did strike me was your awareness of the slippery slope in a positive way. I always seem to fall off the wagon when I start kidding myself an forgetting all the hard work it takes to get the weight of in the first place. So I'm really hoping you can keep up the good work you have already put in, an get the support you need in place of your class from this forum.