Really worried


Full Member
I'm really worried now though because I have a big 3 litre bottle of water in my fridge (that used to contain Blackcurrant juice) and I washed it put thoroughly and been pouring water from it into a glass all day and I just got right to the bottom and there was a drop of water left at the bottom and I didn't wanna waste it
So I put the bottle to my lips and I tasted a really sweet taste which I think may have been the juice left around the bottle top! Im so worried now that I am not going to get into ketosis
you're right to take it that seriously

it's the right attitude.

BUT there must have been so little left that it can't have made any difference. Treat yourself to a new bottle in the morning, and all will be fine at your weigh-in!
It will have been so dilute that it is unlikely to have made any difference. Remember that residue from sweet liquids can cling to the bottom of bottles, so it might just be that mixing with the last few drops. Well done on drinking the 3 litres though. In your first few days that is good going.