Recipes from Book - how they REALLY looked


Having another go....

was looking for a sweet treat and found this website - excellent pictures of what the book ones looked like and what the person actually made!

Dukan diet's desserts
She really has a downer on the Dukan diet, mind!
thanks for sharing! Yes she's really has an axe to grind - I didn't think they looked that bad compared to the book, no worse than you making a recipe from ANY OTHER cook book - at least not for me, mine never turn out so perfect! And over-eggy muffins, who are we kidding expecting anything different ;-)
The chocolate cake looks quite nice. I haven't seen milk powder here in years though (Ireland). Is it in Tesco?
Yes you can find skimmed milk powder in normal supermarkets (in the UK). (Note that it's limited to 3 tablespoons per day.)