Red Days and Green Days


Full Member
I' ve been following this plan for over 2 weeks and know im losing slowly but trying Red day today as i' ve started off on Extra easy and to be fair struggled as i' m not a big Veggy fan, just find whenever i seem to do Red i' m always hungry, do you have to eat veg as im eating fruit.
My day so far
Woke up and had a Banana and Custard Muller Light and Red grapes inside it.
then had an unsmoked Gammon steak with all fat removed and grilled

Please help?
Hi, I always follow Red days, I've been doing SW for a few years now and find that I loose better on Red days. You don't have to have veg but it does help fill you up. Having fruit is fine but have you tried oven roasted butternut squash, it is gorgeous and one way to have veg on your plate? Hard boiled eggs are good for snacking on too. Don't forget that you can have 2 hex A's and hex B's when your not following EE.
is it true you can eat as much as you want of bacon as long as you grill it and cut off the fat rind? Seems a little too good to be truex
Hi again, yes it's true, but only eat until you are satisfied, unlike me who doesn't know when to stop :sigh:. Omlettes are great for keeping that full feeling, either hot or cold.