Red Days Red days for the old school


Silver Member
If there is a thing for this please can someone point me in the right direction I first did slimming world in 2008 when it was just red an green after doing extra easy I'm not happy with how little I am losing compared to when I used to do red an green as I'm not a massive pasta or rice fan I have decided to go back to red as sp I just can not give up the meat snacks inbetween although I have tried an I am geting there just sticking to fruit but I thought it will be good to have somewhere to refresh the memory if it's a lil dusty on how red works an what meals people are having I've just finished of salmon an scallop salad with soy sauce an sweet chilli dressing but if there is nothing like this please add your ideas views diarys or ask if help needed I will try to help
Hello, I do a couple of red days a week. I eat Small amounts of potato and Hovis nimble along with cold meat and salad or stir fry, stew etc. fruit and yoghurt for puddings. Do you have any of your old books for HexB listings?
I don't but if you go on the s/w website an look up useful features an go search other plans it all comes up an you can download it not sure if you have to be a member to see it but if you want any Hezbollah
I don't but if you go on the s/w website an look up useful features an go search other plans it all comes up an you can download it not sure if you have to be a member to see it but if you want any Hezbollah
Hexb checkered I'll look sorry to bigger thumbs pushed reply before I had finished
If there is any you need to know I can help I am usually on here every day. Not doing red at the moment but keep meaning to. I usually use my extra b for potatoes.
Can you have butter nut squashe on red Doreen? I'm enjoying red as get my brekkie scrambled eggs boiled eggs bacon sarnie or weetabix then still able to get a sarnie for lunch and dinner is normally meat or fish with veg an salad
Butter nut squash is free on red.
Sorry for late reply. Yes BNS chips are lovely. Apparently swede chips are too. Not tried them myself yet.
I do do carrot chips.

Must get my books near my laptop so I can keep an eye.
I e done it with sweet potatoe I'm having the morrisons minted lamb shank 1 1/2 syns an loads of veg tonight so might chuck the rest of my squash into roast see if doing red has paid if on Thursday or if I'm just stuck in a rut lol