Think car is a right off another expense we cmnt afford right now....

Need a joliday...

Big time
Hi Hun, hope hubby is ok that's the most important thing x
Hey back...and still alive. Back at 72kg exactly. Had my followup at hospital today n told I need to b 60 kg before I can av treatment. 12 kg seems like a mountain but I know dukan can work so looking for support.
Ive got the book out again am reading it n goin shopping tomorrow plan is to start it asap again. Had three months ironicaly was my goal date.

I can do this...yeah
Welcome back Reena xx you can do this - you sound really positive - we're all here supporting you xx good luck :)
Thank u scooter. Im gona b reading my book again to refresh my mind on dos and donts. Start date will bemonday next week. I have alot on this week so gona eat healthy but not dukan... xxx
This time Reena, This time xxx
Why do I feel so negative about starting the diet. Im aint even startee n im thinkingbof all the fiod il miss
Come on Reena, ive just started back on Dukan today, get the book out and get planning, good luck hun xxx
Why do I feel so negative about starting the diet. Im aint even startee n im thinkingbof all the fiod il miss

Reena, start as you mean to go on, love!

Don't think about what you can't have, think about the lovely things you can have. And don't forget why you are doing this.

Come on, girlfriend!

P x
Thwnks pol... love u.
Right ladies. Day one of attack done. Been really hard tho...

B 5egg white omlette n tea
L 2 chicken drumstick n two boiled eggs
D 2 chicken drumstick n ff yoghurt
Water n sf gum

Dont think ive eaten enough and there is something missing im sure...

Weight this morning was 70.8kg (little suprised as it was 72.8 kg yday morning.).

Measurements are
Chest 39. Waist 39 around belly button. Hips 40.5

Waist is my area of challenge....

I hve a real bad headache....

Gona do attack for four maybe five days...x
Come on Reena, ive just started back on Dukan today, get the book out and get planning, good luck hun xxx
Oh thats fab...u can be my long will u be on attack for?
Hi Reena, thats a good start but i think you need to eat more too otherwise you are going to be starvin marvin!! Dont forget your oatbran and the water. good luck xx
Dr D recommends me doing 6 days attack, but dont know if i can do 6 full days, ill play it by ear i think. ive not been hungry today, and its been along time since ive felt like that. Ive dusted off the dukan books and have made a veggie soup ready for freezing into portions for the cruise.

We can check in with each other and give a kick up the jaxy when necessary lol xx
What did u eat todY. Im going to make a gallete with salmon n quark n av a cuppa now...I knew id missed somthing.

Are there any restrictions on eating late?
Reena, no restrictions on eating late. If you ate hungry, eat!

Curious about your egg white omelette .... why not use whole eggs? Much much tastier :D

P x
Hi Pol
I use egg white befause of cholesterol I use about 8 eggs a day. I snack on boiled egg n chickrn drumsticks.
Day two im rrally not wanting to do a diet but my consultant womt give me treatment at this weight. Im thinking of joing a swimming pool I just lack motivation for everything ...I walked out of my job a week ago. Fed up pf being bullied at work n treated like a child. So now my ibs is flared up crazy n I feel exhausted n bed ridden
Come on love, why don't you give yourself a target? Say, 5 kgs in one month? Draw yourself up a chart, track your progress, track your moods, do some exercise, rant and rave on here.

You CAN do this, you just need to believe in yourself.

Let's start right now? :D

P x
Hows you day going Reena? Sticking to plan? be good and all will be good and youll get the treatment you need. I think going swimming will be excellent, PMA!! plan it and then do it,you will feel great once you've been. x
8 eggs is a lot! How dyou manage that? I have maybe 2 for breakfast in an omelette, then one in muffins or bread or gallettes and that's a big day. Some days I don't have any.

Glad you coming back. Job no good if you miserable. Life too short. Get some exercise even if just a walk to the shop - make you feel alive. Me I like my swimming, but I know that's not everyone's cuppa. Also had some foot problems so this is all working through. But you got a goal - keep it in mind.