

Silver Member
I have got the 2014 pack , syns directory etc etc , i want to restart again , but i was never really keen on extra easy, i would like to rejoin but really want to stick to red/green , i understand these plans are no longer being discussed in groups ???? Is it worth me rejoining ??? I am pretty good when i get in the swing of things and never really used to stay to group , is there any info in the new book on red/green, and also in the 2015 syns directory , any advice please x
There's nothing in the new packs about red/green but the plans are on the website to download and you can still look up syns online etc.
Its soo difficult to know what to do , i really want to stay with red/green plan and maybe the odd extra easy , but if groups are not explaing them any more it looks like online is my only option, anyone else just sticking to the original plans ??
I tend to mix things up but the EE SP plan is a lot like a green plan tbh.

It may be worth just poking your head in and having a proper chat with the consultant and see what they have to say about things, whether they can support you enough to satisfy your needs etc.
Lots of consultants still do support the older plans so you should be able to at least get some support, it's worth enquiring otherwise you will never know! :)
i can honestly say ive been re educated as far as the plans go.

like you i was a hardened red/green day girl, couldnt see any reason to deviate from that and i found ee initially confusing and weird.

BUT i am now a convert, and would highly suggest you giving it a go.
