Returning to VLCD SnS V Exante


Gold Member
Evening all,

firstly would like to wish you all a merry christmas. Now down to the serious stuff *groans*

I've recently finished a 10 week stint with Exante where i lost 3st 7lbs. Really chuffed with but at the time just couldnt seem to continue. Cravings were out of control and so was the picking so thought refeed would be best. I realise now that doing this over xmas was just plain stupid. (hard enough as it is without adding in the xmas excess everywhere)

I tried to get into WW but cant seem to get in control of my points or eating. Could it be a sort of VLCD symdrome? Once i finish the packs i no longer feel in control which is scary as hell as ive binged like crazy.

Now i got on well with Exante but found it difficult withough being able to have the protein and veg. Added in SnS meals which i realise isnt a good idea as it brings down Exantes calorie rules. So tempted to just use SnS to keep me on the straight and narrow. Thinking of having the sweet porridge for b'fast, meal pack for tea with allowances and a bar in the evening.

Sorry for the waffle but i feel i needed to get this off my chest to make me decision easier i guess.
Wow, that's quite some impressive loss you've had so far on Exante. I kind of understand where you're coming from. I planned a week off after 12 weeks, which also happened to be Christmas, back on this morning and have gained a total of 6lb. I'm pretty happy with that as I expected it to be more, but I did also eat anything and everything I wanted in that week. For me though, I did that as an experiment to see what happened if I didn't change from how I used to view food, and I've noted how awful I've felt after eating, how dull my skin is, and a very unexpected effect of the return of my arthritic hands - that was one I didn't expect! I'm also working through the Beck Diet Solution, and going back to the start of it again to redo, it really does help to change your mindset about food, and how to control the binges and cravings.
I think your plan sounds like a good one, see how it goes and adjust accordingly as you need to. Welcome to the S&S club :)
I would give it a go and see how you do, it is cheaper that exante, and other who have switched seem to get similar losses,and you know you can always swap back if it doesn't work. Good luck