Ridiculous relationships with food

It's almost perverse that we all think about what we will eat when we are "done" including fantasising about 12 krispy kreems. If course this is the behaviour which led us to this restrictive plan in the first place. I sincerely reccomend "100 days of weight loss" by Linda spangle. It's about stopping the crazy train. Stopping the desire to fall head long into crap that is just not doing anything but making you crave more crap! It's utterly absurd. I was only thinking the other day how Its only 10 weeks until I can have malteasers. Well what if we never ate a whole share sized bag of malteasers in one go again? Wow. I'd like to find my way to that place!
As soon as anyone mentions Krispy Kreme I turn into Homer Simpson. "Mmm... doughnuts..."

I'm kind of hoping that a lot of fantasising about food is just about the restriction, and that once I'm "allowed" to eat again I won't find myself going crazy because it's not going to be forbidden. After all, on a healthy eating plan you can eat anything you want, so long as you don't eat too much and you don't eat all the time. It's a very long way off for me, though. Plenty of time to sort it out with a therapist in the meantime!
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It's almost perverse that we all think about what we will eat when we are "done" including fantasising about 12 krispy kreems. If course this is the behaviour which led us to this restrictive plan in the first place. I sincerely reccomend "100 days of weight loss" by Linda spangle. It's about stopping the crazy train. Stopping the desire to fall head long into crap that is just not doing anything but making you crave more crap! It's utterly absurd. I was only thinking the other day how Its only 10 weeks until I can have malteasers. Well what if we never ate a whole share sized bag of malteasers in one go again? Wow. I'd like to find my way to that place!

Hi betties revenge, i was looking at that book on amazon and also her other one, "Living is hard, eating is easy" (or something like that), have you read that one too? I fancy some reading for motivation and to change my bad habits but dont want to get the wrong one
How goes it bumpkin? I don't know about the craving thing. When I think about it, my diet has changed over a period of time. I used to eat bad things occasionally and then it just seemed to be more and more until just before starting the diet, my wants were all pretty much bad. I love that when I have the 810 days I really taste and enjoy the food. I'm not sure how long it is since I did that? I'm hoping to slow down and really think about what I'm eating and truly enjoy it. Well that's the thought today - they change all the time as well. So much introspection (self therapy?) when you're doing this!! :)
I'm so sorry - I completely forgot to reply to this message! I've been very busy at work the past few weeks and so not been the most productive or attentive forum member!

Things are going very well, thank you. As of today, I am 5 stone 3lb down. The first time I saw my scales in the 17s I nearly felt faint, because that always seemed such a distant dream. In a couple of weeks they should be in the 16s and I can't even comprehend that!

How are you doing? You're so close to dropping another to the next BMI band. That must feel very good! I'm thrilled just to be out of morbid obesity!
This thread is (embarrassingly) me all over. I have ordered excessive amounts of takeaway food before and then when it has arrived shouted someone's name to let them know dinner is here (I live alone and this food has always been all for me!). I have gone into a supermarket on my lunch break and fancied two different sandwiches so bought both but then felt like I should buy two drinks so it seems I'm buying lunch for myself and someone else rather than two sandwiches for myself. And then I've eaten both of course (I work in the community so eat lunch in the work's car where no one can see me). When I lived with my ex husband and then later with my mom I would order takeaway or get fast food on the way home when either of them were out and then hide the rubbish in my car boot to later dispose of. I have devoured 12 packs of crisps in one go. I have gobbled a double pack of jaffa cakes within minutes. I was a greedy b*tch but I am vowing to myself I'll never go back there!!
I hear ya tennis fan. Done it all! I can't imagine how embarrassed I would be if it was public somehow! A dozen Krispy kremes are just too easy to buy and freaking delicious!!

Hey bumpkin! Glad to hear you are doing so well. I've stalled this week and was pi**ed as hell. All of this and NOTHING!!! But I jumped on the treadmill and have a new routine so will wait this plateau out (crossed fingers!). I am very excited and 'just' being overweight as opposed to 'you're so fat you're gonna die any minute!!' I have 10 more weeks until my vacation so will have to up steps before I go as I have no intention of staying on it whilst I'm away.

Keep it up and bing busy sure helps me not obsess about food!
Join the club, tennisfan! It sounds as though you and I would have made great roommates. ;)

Plateau weeks are the pits, Plum Duff! I hope your treadmill routine will kickstart your metabolism. You've had such an incredible journey so far - it must be nice to be closer to the end than the start!! xxx
Oh yes, lots of this resonates with me too! I drive round most of the day for work, so McDonald's was my pitstop for all 3 meals. The people in the drive thru looked at me pathetically!! I'd try to stop at a bin before I got home so if my partner borrowed my car, he wouldn't see the rubbish....or I'd stash it under the seat cuz I didn't wanna walk in the house with the rubbish.

Then I'd drive to the shop and polish off a bag of giant chocolate buttons after breakfast :-&

Shame on us all! Lol x

I will become the person I am in my head!!!

Eating is cheating ;-)
McDonald's is your weapon of choice? Mine was Burger King. That's the first meal I'm going to have when I take my holiday diet break! Sad or what?!
I've been a secret eater all my life. If I went to the supermarket it would be food to take home and a cake (or two) to eat now. My ex-husband didn't know till a couple of years before the divorce and we were married for 22 years - lol.
Guys this is so funny coz I've been there too. At my heaviest I worked in a shaping centre that had a food court upstairs so I'd have a McDonald's breakfast in the morning and a choc muffin to finish it off. On my morning break I'd hav a small KFC meal and on my main lunch I'd hav a Burger King and then I'd scoff chocolate n crisps n come till I got home where I'd moan to my ex partner that I was starving and we wud get a Chinese every night!!!!!! Worst thing was I often cudnt decide if I wanted beef or chicken in McDonald's or Burger King so I'd get both...., I was eating so bad at one point that I wud shake in the mornings and feel very very sick n Wudnt b right again til I got my McDonald's breakfast!!!!!! Thankfully that was all years ago and the new me is getting married in 4 months, almost four stone lighter... I just have bout 8 pounds to go to get to the lowest I hav ever been in my adult life :)
WeakWilled you ought to change your username to StrongWilled! Well done on your incredible weight loss and congratulations on your upcoming nuptials. I only hope my story can be as happy and successful as yours in a few years! xx
U no I found minimins 5 years ago n believe me I was weak willed then..... But reading through ur thread jus brought back all the old feelings.... I look in the mirror n stil find it hard to believe that I'm slim.... Now I no four stone is not a huge amount of weight to lose but I'm very short so four stone being gone has changed me totally!!!
Wow weakwilled, 4 stone is a huge amount to lose, especially if you are short, dont you dare say its not much!! Kudos to you, you have done brilliantly, sound to be almost a whole new person! What a lovely incentive you have :)
Yep I'm at a god weight for me now but just want to go that extra bit for my big day!!!