Room for a " large" one??

Evening ladies and welcome Zelos, hope you'll let us know how it's going for you :)

Well first things first, Skippy don't fall to the temptation ;) Remind yourself of the weeks you've been 100% and how great it felt to be in control... but, if you really need to eat then how about choosing something off the SS+ green and white list?

Tonight I had a disaster with my soup. The water must have been too hot and after mixing it in my smoothie maker it exploded all over me .. and all over the kitchen! Nightmare :D Anyway so I cut up my allowance of chicken breast and mushrooms, put them in an oven dish, poured water and a pinch of chilli flakes over it and baked it in the oven. The water takes on the flavours and it's just like having a thin stew. Delicious! I also like adding cayenne pepper or paprika to soups just to spice them up a little. Might not be everyone's cup of tea but herbs and spices stop me craving most things. For anything else I sometimes think to myself, well I know what it tastes like so I just imagine I'm tasting it but just don't eat it. Might not work for everyone but anyway, just an idea or two for when it's a struggle, 'cause if you're going to have a 'blip' then at least you know that having something off the SS+ list isn't going to be a bad one :)
hello Zanny, fun how weired things can happen with our shakes ;) Yesterday I decided to clean my water boiler with citric acid. When I got back at noon, I forgot I had this citric acid with water in my boiler, boiled my water, made my the taste....I had to trow everything away and make a new soup. I love herbs and spices in mines too, I keep making experiments....
Thanks Illa - just a bit manic at work and getting ready to go on holiday so really tired!! :( all just getting a bit much with the emotions of last week as well - but my scales this morning say am only 5lb off my 2 stone target for going on holiday on 2nd Oct - not bad since 8th August - caught sight of myself in the mirror hanging my coat up and did a double take today - all in one colour is v slimming!! :rolleyes: LOL, so that was quite uplifting, and just finished shred, so pats on the back for me today!!:D:D
GREAT! I wonder how I'll fit the shred today, kids got back from school with huge homework, had to finish this layout for the magazine, write the article, and now I'm headed for the DVD store to get some DVD's I ordered. As my husband has the car, and I refused to get another one, I'll go by biking ;) fun but definitely time consuming. I need to bath, I need to bath the kids, and do the evening supper....Hate days like this ;)
hmmm citric acid soup... not quite sure that flavour will catch on Illa! *giggles* and Skippy, I stood looking at my soup all down my clothes and all over the kitchen with an inch of it left in the glass and you just couldn't help but laugh when you're stood there wearing your dinner and realise you're actually considering eating the one inch that's left in the smoothie maker! *rolls eyes and laughs* ... talk about desperation :D We always feel better when we laugh about things and Illa's right, we're sending you lots of positive thoughts and it's really great to hear you looked in the mirror and felt uplifted! I so wanna be there too! :)
Whatever else is going on around you'll meet it head on I'm sure, and just think about looking forward to that holiday ;) and feeling good about yourself! :)

As for shred, I'm not fit enough to do it I guess :s I'm struggling with even the most basic exercises, I just can't get into enjoying it at all and heaven only knows when I got to the point that I just can't jump :D Don't know why I'm laughing because it's embarrassing really, but I'll get there at some point. Anyway, just wanted to say good luck with it and have a great evening ladies! :)

Oh and today was WI - lost 2.5lbs and 1.25" .. a moderately happy bunny :p but it's another bag of sugar gone at least :D
Hello again :)
I am very happy today i have lost 13.227 lbs!!! :O in just 4 days!!
I cant believe it!!!!
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OMG Zelos are you going to boost our team score!!! Well done you - you should feel really proud of yourself. Starting out is hard but when you get results like that it does keep you motivated - so go for it!!. So team total (thanks to Zelos) this week is nearly 20 lbs. In dog analogy thats a small collie. (only do dogs sorry otherwise its food, not sure how helpful that is) Maybe someone has a 6 month old baby that weighs that? I have NO idea. Hahaha