Russiandoll's 6st slim-down challenge - damage limitation


Carpe diem
Here I am, back yet again to have another go at Cambridge. In the last 18 months ago, I've tried Cambridge 810 (half heartedly - failed), Exante (to save money - failed), healthy eating (without structure and with emotional eating an issue - failed), Slim n Save (to save money again - failed) and lastly Slimpod (cognitive hypnotherapy - good, but only addressed hunger, not emotional eating so failed).

So I've come back to what I know and what worked for me back in 2006/7 when I went from 22st and a size 32 down to a tad over 12st and a size 16. I regained 5st in 2007 after a series of devastating family events and have been stuck at that weight ever since. The only upside is that I haven't gone back to 22st and more.

I've recognised I NEED structure (I'm a kind of all or nothing girl) and I NEED monitoring. The online VLCDs hail 'no embarrassing weigh-ins' as if that's a plus. For me, it's the path to failure. Knowing I'm being weighed in 5/4/3 days helps keep me on the straight and narrow.
So I went back to see my lovely counsellor on Friday and picked up my weeks supply - 1st weigh-in will be next Friday at 1.30.

I weighed in at 17st 4lb and would like to get to about 11st-ish (maybe a size 14?) so that's 6st. Taking Christmas into account, that means I should reach my goal by around May time. But first things first - let's get the first stone out of the way!

I'd also like to take on a major charity challenge next year which means I'd need to train. Not a 'run' of any kind (doesn't appeal and at my age, would need use an industrial sized Tena Lady!) but perhaps a cycle ride or hike. I'm starting to research it now as I'd need lots of preparation.

So there's the beginnings of a plan. Will post my other thoughts and ideas as my diary progresses.
He's 3/4 Maltese terrier and 1/4 Lhasa Apso. He's 17 weeks old now and is even fluffier and cuter (if that's possible) :D
Days 1 and 2 out of the way and most of the way through day 3.

I was seriously impressed with myself over the weekend. Firstly, the fact I chose to actually start the diet on a Saturday and not 'put it off' until the Monday and secondly, I was out and about (including a trip to the theatre) and didn't waiver.
Saturday involved a trip to Kent to 'Diggerland' where I had a go racing a mini digger. It was great fun (very muddy!) although I did panic at the thought of having to do the seatbelt up in case it didn't fit (I'm paranoid about things not fitting or getting stuck in turnstiles etc). But the seatbelt DID fit (just!) and I had a ball. My company for the day had a sandwich and crisps - I made do with a peanut bar which I had in two halves over the course of a few hours.

On Sunday, I went to a Burlesque show at the theatre. There were four of us and during the interval, whilst everyone enjoyed a tub of ice-cream, I sat and nursed a bottle of water. I actually didn't feel too bad about it - I just kept telling myself it was my choice and nobody was stopping me from having an ice-cream and that it wasn't a punishment but my key to a slimmer 'me'.

This morning, my ketostix showed up pink - can I be in ketosis already? My diet before Saturday wasn't hugely carby but even so, I usually expect it to take three days or so but hey, I'm not complaining.

Today I've had a Maple and Pecan porridge (yum), a bowl of veggie soup and will have a golden veggie drink at dinner time followed by a mousse.

Let's hear it for day 4 :)
ok - tummy is rumbling so this is where it gets tough. Not going to give in to this!

Will go to bed and sleep the hunger off :sigh:
I was the same last night for some reason Debs, and I am in ketosis, so couldn't understand it. Like you, I just ignored it as best I could and went to bed x
Most of the way through Day 4.
It's not been too bad although I have felt hungry at times even though I'm in ketosis. I had a maple and pecan porridge for breakfast then a bar and coffee at lunch time. Afterwards, I took little Munchie for a nice walk to the Alver Valley (nature reserve in my town) which helped take my mind off food and eating. I've just had a golden veggie drink which warmed me up and took the edge off my hunger. Tonight I plan to have a soup.

I'm not doing as well as I could in the water consumption dept but that's always been a problem for me. It's difficult drinking that much in my morning job as a cover teacher (I can't go running off to the loo in the middle of a lesson) and quite often I just forget when I'm at home. It's one area I really need to address because I struggle to get 2L down in a day.

I've ordered some berry water flavouring so I can make jellies from next week which is an extra 'treat' that I know won't harm the diet. It's nice to end a meal with a sweet dessert - makes it feel less of a punishment :)

So far, so good
Subscribing because you've made me laugh while I was reading this thread. :D

I've never played with water flavouring jellies, though I know the theory of course. Maybe I should? I'm commiserating with you on the water drinking front. It must be especially hard while doing supply. Urgh, supply teaching. That brings back painful memories! You're one brave woman!
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Incidentally, the early ketosis thing? I get that too. I have a theory that after that first mega painful time, the body gets better at just sliding into it. Put it this way, it's never been as awful as it was that first time. In fact, on my most recent attempt ten days ago or so, I didn't get so much as a headache. Though I was drinking gallons of water, something I'm really struggling with at the moment. :confused:
My diet wasn't hugely carby before I started the diet so maybe that helped - although I did have a bit of a pig-out on pizzas (last supper style) for two days leading up to going cold turkey. The result of that little indulgence was a very painful, swollen abdomen in the liver area. That's one of the first things I notice about being on a low carb VLCD - my abdomen (beneath the fat) seems to reduce. Is it my liver minus the glycogen? I don't know - but I've definitely noticed it.

Having jelly definitely helps me - it feels like a slight indulgence when, in fact, it isn't. If you do want to try it then I'd be happy to offer advice on how to achieve a delicious fruity jelly with a frothy top. Some methods work better than others and believe me, I've tried them all (I still remember the sad occasion when I stood in the kitchen with a huge blob of wet mix-a-mousse stuck to a spoon not knowing quite what to do - hand mixing does NOT work!)

Just popping over to your thread to get an update :)
Most of the way through day 5 and doing ok :)

I had my usual for breakfast - maple and pecan porridge (love that stuff!) and am finding it easier to go without my customary cereal bar during break at work. I have been feeling a bit hungry around that time but I know part of it is psychological because I 'always' have a snack then. It hasn't done me any harm not to have one.

Lunch time was a bar and coffee as I had to take Munchie to the groomers and was in a bit of a rush. Whilst he was there, I went to the pet shop and bought him a huge roast knuckle bone to keep him and his sharp little teeth occupied. I also bought him a nice waterproof coat so we can still go for walkies even when the weather isn't great. I've met a nice bunch of people at the park who meet up regularly around the same time so the dogs all play and run around together.

Only a couple of days until my first weigh in ... I'm actually quite excited although I know in the past I've never had the spectacular week 1 results that some people experience. Even sticking to it 100%, I usually only manage 7lb or so. My counsellor says it's probably because I don't eat excessive carbs normally so probably have less glycogen to lose than some. I'll just have to accept that's how it is and ANY loss will be good.
Feeling hungry and my normal reaction would be to go and have a bowl of cereal but I've resisted - go me! Just about to have a drink of water then it's off to bed to sleep the hunger off. Bring on day 6 ...
Day 6.
I've been really hungry today. Don't know why - I'm in ketosis but I've done my best to just ignore it and drink some water. I had my usual porridge for breakfast then, after work I went to Asda to do some shopping. Being so hungry, it was very hard walking round and picking up food for the rest of the family. Before Cambridge I'd probably have succumbed to a 'snack' for the car on the way home.

Lunch was a coffee and a bar then I went into town to buy some psyllium husks (my saviour on this diet) then took the pup for a walk. I've decided to add a small amount of chicken breast to my soups so I steam cooked the one I'd bought and divided it into some small containers to be frozen for future use. I don't think this will knock me out of ketosis, as they're protein and I don't think it'll drastically slow down my weight loss (not that I ever had spectacular losses anyway - even on 100% sole source I only used to lose a couple of lb a week). Tomorrow is weigh in day and I'm nervous although I don't know why ... I've stuck to it pretty much 100% so there SHOULD be a loss, even if it's not a huge one.
Hi russiandoll!

I'm a supply teacher too. Really have to limit the amount of water I have in the morning as my bladder is weak as it is. Most times I struggle to remember where the loo is anyway without having to run around the school looking for it!!

Hi babymumma

I'm a cover teacher at one school so luckily I know my way around. But I definitely have to be careful when it comes to drinking water because, as you know, you can't just leave to go to the loo in the middle of a lesson. I remember one time I drank a whole litre before my first lesson - by halfway through, things were getting a bit urgent. Ten minutes before the end I had my legs crossed and was in quite a bit of discomfort. By the end of the lesson I was desperately planning my route to the nearest loo and even let the kids go 2 minutes before the bell went as I didn't think I was going to make it!

My water intake is definitely my biggest downfall. I've never been able to take the required amount in regularly. Occasionally I can do a bit more than 2L but I usually struggle to even do that. I just don't feel thirsty and whilst I know I should drink it thirsty or not, I just find it really difficult to do.

How has your day been? WHat CWP step are you doing?
First weigh in and I'm down 7lb. I know it isn't the stunning 10lb+ results some get in the first week but I was in ketosis by day 2 which indicates I didn't have a lot of glycogen to lose so I'm fine with half a stone. It also means I'm into the next stone bracket down and that's always a bit of a boost.

I stopped off at the sales office of the town's new leisure centre on the way home from my weigh in and signed up for a full membership (swim, gym and classes). The centre isn't even open unit the end of the year so it'll be brand spanking new and shiny. I'm member number 54 so there right on the ground floor.

I'm not overly hungry but DO have some quite intense 'head hunger' where I just want food. I'm determined not to give in to it but I'd kill for a big yummy pizza right now.

Bring on week 2 ...