ProPoints Ruth Is On A Mission! 22.5/50

250ml is 5 syns but I didn't have that much! Not sure what to class it as? 2/3?? First thing to do today- buy sugar free squash and sugar free fizzy drinks!!!!

How many syns do you get to have anyways, I'm intrigued lol!?
Between 5 and 15 a day or basically 105 a week although u aren't supposed to look at it like that ;) :p

Yup, I'd be maxing that out to 105 a week hahaha!! :p
Lol it's too tempting!!!!

Going out on Saturday night so I'm saving some for vodka :D

I'm now on 100% day 3 and loving it!!!!

Glad ur back 100% - so proud of u for going bk to meetings! And yay for Saturday ;) have fun xxx
Feeling low today. Went into town last night but came home after about 30 mins as I really couldn't be bothered!!!

Yesterday we went to our landlords house for a meeting about our finances (it's my OHs mum) and she was just so rude :( she is upping our rent even though we are struggling and she was treating it as if it was my fault I had put my OH through this!!!

:( pocket money time, I have 20 quid to last me until next Saturday and I'm really worried about doing SW! How can I afford the fruit and veg? :(

I have a 6 week countdown so I don't need to worry about paying- I just can't afford my normal food shop! Need to win slimmer of the week but I can't when it's my first week ;) maybe it's time to try mugshots....

What a horrid landlady!! Massive hugs! Could u borrow money from anyone? Xx
We are slowly getting it sorted but its just another thing in my life thats going wrong :(

Have had this migraine now for 3 days and my diet is going out of the window!

So far- I have eaten:

Tea with Skimmed Milk (HEA)
Low Calorie Tonic Water (Lemon/Lime)
Heinz Baked Beans
1 Tbsp Brown Sauce (1 Syn)
1 Slice White Bread (3.5 Syns)

No fruit or veg :(

Looking at dinner:

Mixed Salad- Tomatoes, Lettuce, Cucumber, Mushrooms, Pickled Onions/Gherkins, Pepper
400g Tin Heinz Macaroni Cheese (6 Syns)
Mullerlight with Frozen Fruit

WI Tomorrow!!!!! Need to be careful!


That post was so depressing! Off to asda to get mugshots, frozen fruit and veg and mullerlights with my pocket money!!!

Good luck for WI xx
Hugs xx
Thanks very much everyone!

Feeling a bit more positive today- put some goals on my signature last night- looking forward to completing them!

My biggest thing for me is my 10%- ive never ever achieved it on any weight loss plan!

Just had Frosted Wheats (28g & HEB) with Skimmed Milk (HEA), Cup of Tea. Now drinking water and have got a mugshot for after work to put me on until WI :)

Fab hon, well done!! X

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