Safe to exercise ?


Schwing !
I'm very sorry if this has already been covered somewhere else down the line, but i'm new to this so I thought i'd make a fresh thread :]

So i'm quite an active person, I used to go to the gym at least 4 days a week on top of being on my feet all day at work. Now because partly being lazy, partly not seeing any weight loss results and partly because of Christmas i stopped going to the gym probably around the same time last month give or take.

Now i'm on LLT and I feel like exercise would be good to build back into my normal routine, i went tonight just for a light session and felt very, very rusty - probably due to the break I had but also maybe because of the low calorie intake. I made sure i was very hydrated and had a pack before I left for extra energy, but is it enough ? I used to participate in group exercise sessions every week such as Body Combat and Body Attack which used to make me sweat and work on conventional foods - is it safe to do activities like these whilst on LLT ?

I'm also a little worried about putting on muscle as stupid as that sounds, I don't want it to read on my weigh in, I just want pure weight loss. I'm now making it sounds like I don't want to go to the gym .... i really do :']

If anyone has any experience or information about this, I would really love to hear from you !!
Many thanks in advance
Talk to your LLC about it. She will have all the details of what you should and shouldn't do. I have heard that exercise above what you are doing now can slow your weight loss as you are building muscle and muscle is heavier. I think you would be alright to do toning exercise rather than muscle building, but again you have to be really careful as you are on such low calories and if you do too much, your body will begin to burn lean tissue such as muscles for energy rather than fat as it is easier to break down. I really would get some professional advise on this one as it can have serious implications for your health and weight loss x
Thanks Libby :]
I'll have a good old chat with my LLC. I'm just a little conflicted if it's a good idea or not ...
Some light exercise I'd say is good - a couple of times per week! But, as Libby pointed out - anything hard going is best avoided as your body will indeed start turning to muscle for energy.

Last time I did this diet, I under-ate and walked everyday for hours - in the end - about a year later of this, I felt so weak, I could hardly lift anything, I had no energy or muscle tone. Just skin and bone. Fatigue due to lost muscle is not great, so I'd say, keep it very light - or save any actual gym sessions for when you finish and start the re-feed stage.

Though - having said that, some people are very used to heavy sessions and can handle (albeit a little bit toned down) the exercise on LLT. So go with what your body is telling you ! :)
Thank you Minerva for your input :]
That sounds awful :/ Like you say fatigue due to muscle loss is not good, i'll have to make sure I have a pack or a bar (because i'll be allowed bars next week) before I go for maximum energy so i don't starve my body. I'll have a little chat with my LLC when i go and see her tomorrow for my weigh in (EXCITED :D) and see what she says.

I think I may just knock the body attack and combat on the head :[ maybe just stick to pure cardio such as running and the crosstrainer, they're probably too intense for LLT.

Thanks again for your comments, they're much appreciated :]
Hey I think toning exercise and exercise that don't take you in to cardio is ok - it does also depend on how much exercise you did before you started the plan - I would start off slow and listen to your body .. Both Libby and Minerva are spot on ! Just listen to your body