Sakura's diary and babblings


Well today is day 2 of my new healthier eating and more exercise life! So far I'm loving it. My first 2 days have been full of nasty evil temptations as the 2 kids of the household always have their crisps, sweets, cakes and choccies laying about the house! Not fair. There's a fantastic looking chocolate cake in the kitchen at the moment as my fiance's younger sister just had her 11th birthday. I'm hoping they'll hurry up and eat the damn thing, haha!:eek:

I do however now have a fitness buddy, which is fab! :bliss:My fiance decided he'd like to get into shape for the summer too, so we will be going jogging around the block each night together, and swimming twice a week too. He's not too keen on my salads though haha.

I've decided only to weigh myself once a week at first, because whenever I have tried to lose weight before I become obsessed with my scales, and daily, you never really see any progress anyway.

All in all, very optimistic at the moment! :p
Best of luck. The fitness regime sounds great! :)
Well done for avoiding the temptation of choccy cake would kill me...I wouldn't be able to have it in the house. :D
Good luck with your weight loss, you have got off to a fanastic start...feeling positive and ready to rock n roll.

I agree with you...a weekly weigh in is a lot better for morale.

All the best
Boo x
Good luck with your healthy eating and fitness!

Well done for resisting chocolate cake temptation:drool:

Love Mini xxx
Thanks a lot guys! :)
My first weigh in is tomorrow morning, I'm really excited. And YES the chocolate cake is alllll gone, and I didnt have one bite :worthy: lol

Fingers crossed :D
Well Im very pleased with my first week as I managed to lose 5lb! Thanks for all your support guys! I hope week 2 proves to be as fantastic!