Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

Looking fabulous, love the dress x
Hi lovely, hope you're ok and enjoying the rare summer weather? I've been so slack catching up on all your diaries recently but back now :)
You look amazing in your new dress, so pretty!!! Are you still loving your new job? xxx
Thanks all!

Don't worry jade - I've been the same! Can't really get on at work so I feel a bit out of the loop. Job is fab, thank you. It's week 4 now and although I still have loads to learn, I'm really enjoying it and have a lovely team.

How are things with you lovely?


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Today's new work dress :)

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You look amazeballs!!!! :D xxx
Thanks all!

Don't worry jade - I've been the same! Can't really get on at work so I feel a bit out of the loop. Job is fab, thank you. It's week 4 now and although I still have loads to learn, I'm really enjoying it and have a lovely team.

How are things with you lovely?


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Hi lovely, I'm good thanks :) enjoying all this amazing weather!!! Glad you're still enjoying your new job!
Do you have much planned for the weekend huni? xxx
Hey girls, I'm sidling back in with my tail between my legs! Sorry I haven't been around lately but you know what I'm like when I fall off the wagon! Hope you're all doing really well.

I've been really naughty but had a great time. Dave cycled to Paris this weekend in under 20 hours and I'm so proud so lots of celebrating!

Did a massive shop yesterday though so I'm all set to be back on plan! Currently eyeing up my scales but very scared to get on them!

*yikes - just did - and it wasn't pretty!*

So, red day today:
B - muller light with strawberries
L - 3 sweet onion Ryvita (HEXB1) with smoked salmon, 2/3 HEXB2 Philly Light and cucumber. Melon.
D - Gammon steak with BNS chips and roasted veggies (mushrooms, onions, peppers, courgettes), ketchup (2 syns)
Snackage - banana, mini milk (1.5 syns), decaf latte (HEXA1) with a biscuit (2 syns)

Y'know what - I need to own up to what the scales said this morning. 10.6. Many expletives ensued when I saw that. I've been massively off the rails! But now I'm back and that half stone is coming off!!!


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Hey! Sounds like you've been having a fab time! You know what to do to sort those scales out x
Wow at the cycling! was it for charity or a personal challenge? x

It was for charity (YMCA and their work with disabled children). He's doing London to Copenhagen next month too. He's a nutter, but I couldn't be more proud :) xx

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Well done Dave, what a great achievement! You should be extremely proud of him.

Don't worry about the scales too much, you've had a manic few weeks. You know what needs to be done to get back on track now and I'm sure you'll be fine xx
Aww thanks Bev! How are things with you? I'm woefully behind on diaries since the laptop got stolen in the burglary and I can't really get online much at work. Hope it's all going well xx
Aww thanks Bev! How are things with you? I'm woefully behind on diaries since the laptop got stolen in the burglary and I can't really get online much at work. Hope it's all going well xx

I'm really well thank you. I know what you mean about the diaries, I'm struggling to keep up with everyone too! I take it the police haven't managed to find the culprits or the laptop? How frustrating for you x
Wow well done to Dave - my OH just bought a road bike (apparently these are very different to mountain bikes - who knew?) and wants to rack up the miles!! And he wears lycra to do it :D

Well done for your big food shop and getting back on track.

Isn't it crap how easy it is to gain half a stone, and how long it takes to start shifting off again?! Lol! Hopefully they will move int he right direction for you soon though and you see those 9's again before you know it! Just remember how that felt the last time and how good you will feel to get there again.

Hope you have enjoyed every mouthful you have had though, quite right to celebrate! xx
Lol - yep road bikes are very different. I'm apparently quite knowledgable about them now, after 2 1/2 years of Dave waffling on about his! And he has lots of lycra to coordinate with his bikes. Bless... (or something!!)

Totally agree that it's super easy to put 7lbs back on...although I have been really bad!! It's been worth it though - have had some great food and vino etc. Really enjoyed myself! We're out for a friend's birthday on Saturday night, but apart from that, I have nothing to pull me off plan!

Hope all's good with you my lovely

Lol - yep road bikes are very different. I'm apparently quite knowledgable about them now, after 2 1/2 years of Dave waffling on about his! And he has lots of lycra to coordinate with his bikes. Bless... (or something!!)

Totally agree that it's super easy to put 7lbs back on...although I have been really bad!! It's been worth it though - have had some great food and vino etc. Really enjoyed myself! We're out for a friend's birthday on Saturday night, but apart from that, I have nothing to pull me off plan!

Hope all's good with you my lovely


Yeah not too bad here, enjoying this lovely weather! Not been on here for a few days though, need to update my own diary. Weigh in tonight...had a bit of an indulgent weekend (not tooooo bad but not *quite* on plan - out for lunch etc) so not sure what will happen at class! Ho hum. 4 weeks tomorrow til my holiday....will I hit 11 stone for it?!

Yeah waffling on....sounds familiar! It's just to me! :D
Exciting about holiday, Laura! Regardless of scales, you will look stunning!

Scales are 1 down this morning. Long may that trend continue!xx

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Hey hey :-D

That half a stone will be off in no time, your already making a dent in it xx
So, had planned a green day today and have a tub of spinach and tomatoes to go in my MugShot at lunchtime, but I've just realised...I've forgotten my MugShot! What a numpty! Will go to Tesco downstairs instead...maybe they'll have one. If not, I'll get a low syn salad.

B - Muller Light and strawberries
L - MugShot with spinach and tomatoes and 2 Laughing Cow Light triangles (2.5 syns)Melon.
D - Beetroot and 2 x HEXA goats cheese omelette with HEXB1 wholemeal roll
Snacks - Banana, 1/2 HEXB2 Bran Flakes for nibbling, 1/2 HEXB2 Alpen Light. Milky Way (5 syns), mini milk (1.5 syns)

Now, on the subject of Alpen Lights - if anyone sees the choc/orange ones anywhere...please get them for me and I shall pay you handsomely for them and the postage! I'm getting bored of bakewell and lemon ones!

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