Sarah's Target & 10K Mission

This is the first time we've had props but have always done a theme and found it works really well. We've had Spanish, Indian and French so far, with Mexican being on Saturday. Gosh I'm so hungry thinking about all the yumminess!! xxx
We haven't yet (apart from some rathern nice tequila we bought back from Mexico) but it's going on the list!

We have Kalua too (which is also Mexican, I found out when we were there!), so might make some espresso martinis as I'm not very good with tequila!! xxx
Morning lovely ladies!

What a miserable day! Apparently the end of the week is going to get much (13 degrees on Friday) so looking forward to that.

Yesterday's fast was one of the toughest I've done but I managed to end the day on 520 cals, so really happy with that. Scales were back where they should be this morning so looking forward to going onwards and downwards towards another loss this week.

Looking forward to today's yum-fest! (~1400 cals)
B - Yeo Valley 0% Greek Yog with honey + some rasps
L - Salad with avocado and sweet chilli chicken
D - Spaghetti carbonara
S - KitKat 2 finger cookies & cream

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Epic food day! And all for 1400! Sounds delish! Especially with the sneaky avocado in fact, you've reminded me to add some to my online shop! :)

Good work on the scales my lovely....52 is defo doing its job for you right now! :) xx

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I'm excited about the avo! And the yogs too - I love the greek style with honey, it's super creamy and lovely! Current MFP total is 1337 cals, so given a couple of cuppas with a splash of milk and some grapes I grabbed out of the fridge this morning, I should be spot-on 1400.

Thinking I might go for a quick run this evening, if I've got any energy left. Am back in a phase of not being able to sleep past 5am and it's making me feel a bit jaded! xxx
Wow your eats sound amazing today Sarah, I love avocado too and always have one in my salad.
I need to re-gig my MFP and work out my new calories consumption, and then plan to fit in some 52 days.

How are you working out your calories Sarah? Are you weighing things? I always find it such a pain, I think that's part of the reason I fail with calorie counting.

Your dinner sounds great! You're so on it at fe moment :) I need to pull my finger out and catch up with you on the scales :) xxx

I'm using MFP and weighing everything...which I thought I would hate but actually there's something quite satisfying about it! It can track exercise and weight and stuff too, so it keeps everything in once place.

Are your stats not up to date? I think you're a bit ahead of me xxx
They're up to date from official weigh in, but not after my cheeky scale hop this morning! Oops!!

I get so annoyed weighing things all the time. I think I take it a bit too literally and will literally want to measure everything down to the last gram. I find it so tedious and it makes me want to eat ready meals instead.

You're doing so well Miss Sarah! I'm loving it for you!!

And exciting news about being headhunted! Wow!! xxx
You're right about ready meals - sometimes they do make it easier. But apart from fast days, we generally steer well clear. I do like the Tesco Finest tortellini/ravioli fresh pasta things though...they are goooood!!

I've worked out now how to save meals in MFP so that I don't have to re-enter things we cook regularly, like the curry recipe I use etc. It does take a bit of time, and weighing veg does annoy me a bit...but it's working so I'm not going to argue.

You, Jenna and I are pretty much the same weight at the mo, then. You girls both look so slim in your photos - it's so strange isn't it...I would have said you were at least a stone lighter than me! Scales are funny old things! xxx
Salad was lovely today - avocado and sweet chilli chicken is a winning combo!!

Felt a bit weird just now though, so had a mini egg cake as I felt like I needed some a bit dizzy still.

Have a meeting at 2 and another one at 3 so hoping that'll make the afternoon go quickly so I can get home! Need to do CV and run, but not sure not sure either will get done! xxx