sat in on saturday me!


Hello peeps,

I'm appealing for some encouragement. I've got a cold, i've been grumpy all day and I want to lie on the sofa and eat crap. Like I usually do when i'm fed up. I've been very positive about CD so far..

Every single person i've told about doing CD has been profoundly negative. This has made me worry.
I'm worrying about stupid things:
I'm really worried about falling of the wagon. That I can't do it. I'm just kidding myself and i'm stuck being fat forever. I'm worried about possibly not losing anything this week.I'm worried I won't like the new healthier me.

This is self indulgent tripe, and i'm cross with myself...please help....:(
Hiya Squidgy!!

I am here m8 as well!

Why not get some water down tonight as that will help you loads ???

I can't kid you the journey on that wagon is a bumpy one for most but you can hold on if you choose.

Dont give in and dont listen to all the negative comment. I got thoses and then when my friends saw weight come off asked lots of questions and some sounded tempted.

Try making a hot drink with a water flavouring it may be like a lemsip, and if you really cant resist have an early night.

Hi icemoose,

Looks like it's just us chickens tonight. Now you mention it, I've hardly drunk anything today. maybe a litre? Better crack on with it....Does it make you want to eat less..?
It helps you want to eat less, it makes you burn more fat, it stops constipation, it makes your skin clear, you hair softer etc etc etc.

So get glugging ;-)

I still get constipated even if i drink 4-5 litres a day.:( :(
Have you tried the fibre 89 dawn?

When I got constipated I used to drink 2 litres in 20 minutes and by god that sorted it!

Dawn, thanks. I'm very sad i know. I want to win this battle!! I'll get an early night, the longer I wallow the worse it gets.
Hi Squidgy, You gave me such great advice yesterday I like to help. I think an indulgent night is in order. Whatever will be a treat a shower/bath facepack, dvd, good book tucked in bed really early. If I get down it usually stems from tiredness and anxiety and is better in the morning. When I started this diet I told no-one apart from my immediate family as I guessed the reaction usually due to lack of knowledge and presumption. It's worth it and soon you will feel on top of the world. Dizzy
Dear Dizzy, I am knackered. The idea of a bath does appeal. I'll take some hot H2O with me. Thanks for being so kind. x

Gerry, I'll remember the chat room! thanks very much

cheers you are all lifesavers, night night x
Have you tried the fibre 89 dawn?

When I got constipated I used to drink 2 litres in 20 minutes and by god that sorted it!

Not on CD anymore due to illness but would like to find something to try.

I read that you drank 2 litres in 20 mins in an earlier post, tried it and ..................nothing.

I have always been a bit that way but it didnt help when i heard gillian mckeith say to a lady this week that it was very unhealthy to have bowel movements every 2 or 3 days.

To get me to go every day she would have to get a soapy stick.

I have tried laxatives but hate that 'ohh my god i need to go now' feeling
Evening Squidgy.
Sorry your feeling so low,what can I say to help??????
First have a little pamper if poss nice warm drink,hot bath early night,if thats not poss then a warm drink and and try to think positive thoughts,
I will not try to kid you by saying this is going to be an easy journey but the prize at the end is great,If you do have a blips we all do just get back to it again, but who says you are going to have a blip??you will get the negitive remarks mostly from people who know nothing about CD. but the positive one put them in the shade once the weight starts to come of and ypou get nice coments it is great,and there is lots of help,support and positive coments on this site.
Have you had more to drink now?as yes it does help to stop you feeling like eating.
How long have you been doing Cd and how much have you lost?
Keep coming on here for chats it does help
Sending you lots of positive vibes and hugs xx
Hi hun i am just new to the site and been on cd for just over 3 weeks and lost 22 1/2 pounds.Went shopping on saturday and saw 3 old friends who noticed id lost weigt straight away. I felt fantastic. Stick in there I know its hard but the results are worth it. x