School admissions - church schools

big bear

A bear on a mission!
Just thought I'd ask on here & see if any of you know.

My son is due to start reception class Sept 2013. On the criteria it says 'attend church at least twice a month for a minimum of 18mths before closing date for forms'.

The thing is I've been attending only once a month since May last year.

Do you think I've messed this up now? I did have the kids baptised in the church last year, my son attends the pre-school next to the church & we live a mile away from the school.

In your experience if I attend church every week from now to the closing date should I be ok?

I know I've only myself to blame & now feel bad/guilty that I've messed up my sons education before he even starts...the rest of the schools are rubbish...

Hi - when do the forms have to be submitted? Doesn't the 'attend church' bit perhaps refer to the child rather than you though?
It depends on the school I think. How strict are they? Can you ask the vicar?
Mine went to a Church in Wales primary school and had an excellent education there. It was a compromise on my part though. Their dad was a Catholic (no longer I guess :D) and I'm an atheist.
There was never any insistence on us attending church beforehand. We did do the monthly school services but they were less services than an opportunity for the kids to perform in a gorgeously small 800 year old church.
Minimunchkins said:
Hi - when do the forms have to be submitted? Doesn't the 'attend church' bit perhaps refer to the child rather than you though?

Forms need submitted on the 15th Jan & it says parents need to worship at the church twice a mth, minimum 18mths before submitting forms. I've left a.message for the school to call me.
If you start going as regularly as you can and get yourself known by helping out with jumble sales, sunday school etc maybe the vicar will look kindly on you?!

I think it very much depends on the individual church and school as to how strict the rules are. Are you likely to get in on other criteria? Round here the church schools first criteria is attendance at church, but then it's stuff like any other faiths, distance to school, etc that can influence it too. You will be able to get details from the school as to how many children were admitted under which criteria to give you an idea of how successful you will be. Good luck, school admissions are an absolute nightmare!
Beegee said:
If you start going as regularly as you can and get yourself known by helping out with jumble sales, sunday school etc maybe the vicar will look kindly on you?!

I think it very much depends on the individual church and school as to how strict the rules are. Are you likely to get in on other criteria? Round here the church schools first criteria is attendance at church, but then it's stuff like any other faiths, distance to school, etc that can influence it too. You will be able to get details from the school as to how many children were admitted under which criteria to give you an idea of how successful you will be. Good luck, school admissions are an absolute nightmare!

Thanks hun, I'm hoping to get him in by being the nearest school & because he attends the pre school. I'm going to go as much as poss till then. I get on quite well with the vicar so fingers crossed.

This is all alien to me as back at home in Ireland you just go to your local school. This is a nightmare....