Second week dilemma


Full Member
I have just finished my first week, I lost 7lb which I am THRILLED with! :) I'm really enjoying SW recipes and don't feel deprived at all, and at the moment I'm so motivated to keep going.

My dilemma is this - this week I am going on school camp for three full days and nights, food is pizza, chips, fried steak etc. I really don't want to have a backward slide here - any advice for limiting the damage and getting motivated to keep going again afterwards?
is this all being cooked for you or are you able to cook the same foods, but in a SW way for yourself?

You could pack up your HEX's and take fruit etc with you so you get your superfree, packets of noodles, cous cous, mugshots for those times you are stuck.
All cooked for us - which is great of course, but annoying because it makes it hard to know exactly what's in it!
Honestly, I'd be inclined not to worry, take a bit of fruit for snacking etc, but just enjoy it and work it out when you're back.

I had a situation like this when I was still losing, and it can be difficult to navigate!
Don't worry about what you can't control. Have you got access to a kettle? If so take a load of free mugshots with you & eat one before dinner in the evening so you are less inclined to eat the whole of the dinner put in front of you. Or could you tell them you're a veggie?
Some good ideas, thank you! I've been worried about it, because I know what I'm like once I fall off the wagon. Hopefully there will be lots of fresh fruit and veg, and I'll just try to to draw a line under it and start again once I get back.