secret eaters ch4


This is fab, it really makes you think about what you eat!

It REALLY annoys me (but I watch it anyway). I guess their definition of a secret eater is TOTALLY different to mine. Was really excited when I heard about this programme but it is a big let down :(
*Emsie* said:
I think its a good programme and I think there are lots of people that don't realise what they are eating in this way. I'd quite like my hubby to be investigated, not that he has a weight issue but I think he eats a lot more than he realises he does!

My hubby the same he is so in denial. And what he sees as healthy isn't!

I loved this programme, the biggest things for me is that the container/plate/glass your food/drink is in can affect the amount you consume!:O Wow
There was a woman on there a few weeks ago eating everything as she cooked. I always used to do that before I started weighing everything. It turned out though that with little nibbles on bits of cheese and ham and stuff while she was cooking, she was eating nearly as many calories before the meal as during it! I never really thought of it until I saw it laid out like that but that's gotta be one of the things that I was loading myself up on calories with.