Secret Slimming in Paris

Hi Hun

Just checking to see how you are doing - hows the pregnancy and everything?

C xxxxx
Hey girlies!

I'm just popping in to give you all a quick update and beg you to not forget me!!

I'm now 27 weeks pregnant with (so far!) a healthy baby boy.

Pregnancy is treating me well, I haven't suffered with it at all (once again, so far!), the only downside and have put on soooo much weight I'm ashamed! The first three months were really tough for my SW wise as I had horrible aversions to veg and fresh meat (the mere thought of asparagus made me puke one day!!). Anyway, it's not an excuse as I'm well and truly over that phase now but I'm finding it hard to get back in the groove.

The good thing is as temperature is dropping I'm starting to long for home-made SW soups but I know I don't have the willpower to get back on the wagon fully just yet. I'll do what I can for now to try and limit the damage but I will be back in full force in January when baby makes his grand arrival!

Hope you're all doing well and will still be here for me in Jan!!xx
You have no idea how happy I am to hear from you and delighted that all is well with you and your little one. I was convinced I was expecting a boy and it took a while for it to sink in that I'd had the other - I think it's nice to know in advance!

You'll have time in the future for SW but for now, just enjoy your pregnancy and keep in touch - there are a lot of surrogate aunties-to-be on Minis!
Great news that everything is going so well! Cant help your aversion to meat and veg, pregnancy really messes with your taste for things! I went off meat and veg a few weeks ago too :S
Besides, baby+fluid add a lot of weight!
We'll definitely still be here for you in Jan :) and we'll be here with you if you post non sw stuff until then too! X
Of course we'll all be here for you! I'm so happy that your pregnancy is going well, and as for the weight gain, sod it - if I had a little human growing inside me it'd be licence to eat what I chuffin' well liked!

I know what you mean about autumn/winter time - it's great for hot soups and stews. I must admit though I generally find winter time more difficult to stick to plan as I completely go off salads in the cold weather.

So glad you posted an update anyway and over the moon for you! Bet you can't wait to have a little baby in your arms now :) xxxx
Hey Minis! I'm (almost) back!

So, my beautiful baby boy was born on the 15th Jan, weighing a whopping 4.7kg(!) and now, 6 weeks later, life is calming down a bit and my conscience is returning. It's time to get back on track and start SW again. I say I'm almost back because while I'm ready my fridge & cupboards aren't! Normally me and the hubby do a big food shop on a Sunday so I'm going to spend this week reading up on diaries and looking up recipes (in between looking after the baba) so that I am 100% ready next week.

I can't wait to catch up with you all, I hope you're all happy and enjoying life! xx
Hey welcome back Sophie and congratulations!!!!! What is his name?

How are you finding motherhood?

Welcome back to the fold!

Thanks everyone! His name is Clevins...very original and chosen by his Daddy.

So yesterday we went to do the big food shop and I got lots of lean meats, veg and fat free yoghurts etc so I can start again today. The only problem is I'm yet to feel the 'click' so I'm not sure how successful I'll be. I'm determined to stick to plan today and maybe then it'll click, or I'll just ease into it... All I know is if I don't try it's never going to happen so please bare with me if I'm naughty!

Charlie, I'm loving motherhood! Got to admit it's tiring but people keep on telling me it'll get easier soon! Clevins is only 7.5 weeks old so I can't complain that he's not sleeping through the night yet. He wakes up every 3 hours or so to eat and as long as he goes straight back to sleep afterwards it's completely manageable. For those who are interested I'm combining breast and bottle feeding. It's something that was forced on me on hospital, France is really rubbish at breastfeeding! I'd have loved to exclusively BF but as soon as he was born they scared me by saying he was far too big to be BF alone, and only a cow could satisfy his needs... Which in hindsight I realise is absolutely ridiculous but they caught me at a very emotional time and at the end of the day it's hard to argue with a medical professional so we started giving him bottles as well from day 1 and now we're in a vicious circle where I can't wean him off them. I am lucky as he isn't confused and will still take both, it's just me who's having a hard time coming to terms with it. I've tried everything to get him exclusively BFing, pumping after every feed etc. but now we're 7 weeks in and and it's just not happening so I'm just trying to stop stressing out as he is still getting some breast milk about it now and enjoy my time with the little one!

Today will be a red day, I've just peeled veg to make a soup for lunch time and I've got some pork out of the freezer for dinner. In between I'll be snacking on fruit & crab sticks. Wish me luck!!xx
So it's 11am and I have already had 3 bowls of soup!!
I've managed to stay on plan!! Phew! I did a red day that looked like this:

Breakfast: banana, fat free natural yoghurt and strawberries

Lunch/Various snacks: chicken & leek soup

Snacks: 2 oranges, 3 light dairlylea triangles (HEA), crab sticks

Dinner: Roast pork & broccoli purée with 28g mature cheddar (HEA)

I forgot how much I eat with SW! The quantity is crazy, I almost ate a whole pan of soup! But at least it's all low fat and helping me bring those scales back down. I forgot to weigh myself this morning so did it this evening and I'm back to where I was last year. I'm not surprised because I ate like a crazy person while pregnant and have actually been worse since having Clevins and not having time/energy to cook properly but heyho I'm back now and hopefully it'll drop off like it did last time!

What a lovely name! As you said - very original.

You've done incredibly well to restart SW so soon. It isn't easy preparing food when you're looking after a newborn and coping with lack of sleep but you sound determined and organised!

If you're still BF, you might get an extra A choice; I'll try and find out for you. Don't forget your B choice ie the bread/cereal/dried or cooked fruit option.
Thanks Patty! I hadn't thought of that, thanks very much! It's also a relief to read that this morning as I sneakily had 2 more dairlylea triangles during the 3am feed! I'm always rubbish at using my HEB, i didn't have any brown bread in yesterday, I'll have to get some when we go out later on. The extra HEA will help me have cereal too because I always feel like I'm 'wasting' a HEA on milk when I could be having cheese!

As I almost always do green or red days I looked up how many HEAs I can have and apparently I can have 5!! That sounds like loads so I may stick to 3 but it's nice to know I have flexibility!

I'm not sure how determined I am, but yesterday went well so I hope I do have it in me! We're hoping to come over to the UK next month and if we do we're going to get a proper family photo taken and I'd like to be a bit slimmer for it. It'll all depend on poor Clevins though. He had a very traumatic birth, with him being so big his head came out fairly 'easily' but his shoulders got stuck and he had to be yanked out which meant the nerves in his brachial plexus got stretched out/pulled out of his spinal cord which is affecting the movement in his left arm. After birth he couldn't move his arm at all but he does seem to be getting better. The specialist will let us know on the 30th if he needs an operation or not. Hopefully not! He's so tiny!

Today will be another red day. So far I've had:

Breakfast: 4 x small boiled eggs, 2 oranges and a yoghurt

Lunch: Beef salad with 5 dairylea (HEA1) yoghurt

Snacks: crab sticks, 2x oranges, 2 x tuc crackers (3syns), 2xweetabix (HEB1) 250ml sskimmed milk (HEA2)

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Poor little mite; I bet it wasn't too pleasant for you either. Hopefully Clevins will make a full recovery but if an operation is needed I can fully understand that it will be a traumatic experience for you.

I should think you're looking forward to coming home and showing off your little boy and no doubt there are plenty of people looking forward to meeting him. Have you considered going along to a SW group whilst you're home and getting the latest books? Things have changed a little in the last year and whilst the Red and Green plans are no longer in the books as they no longer officially exist, although they are still supported on line, you would get the latest healthy extras for EE. I mention this because I notice you're still using the old measurements eg you now get 30g of cheddar, not 28g. You would still find plenty of support on Minis for Red and Green. Regarding your B choice, you can have a small portion of potatoes or wholewheat pasta on Red and cooked fruit is useful - I often split a B choice between stewed plums and Ryvita, for example. I'll happily check quantities for you if needed. Oh, and extra virgin olive oil is officially no longer a B choice but many people still seem to use it as a tweak!
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I am soo looking forward to coming home! My Mum came to stay with us for a week when Clevins was 2 weeks old and it was amazing, we've never been so close. That's very good idea, I may even rope my Mum into coming with me too! It'd be good to stock up on hi-fi bars too, I really miss them! I used to love the chocolate orange ones. I can't believe red & green don't exist any more!! I really don't think I can trust myself on EE to eat enough superfree, I do like snacking on meat on a red day. Maybe going to group will help me with it though. Thanks for the update! And for offering to check things for me, that's very kind :) .

I am feeling exhausted today, I don't know why really but I think I might go green tomorrow and hope the carbs give me more energy!! I just had 2 tucs crackers for 3syns. Now I need to hide them so I don't have any more! x
I changed my mind and decided to have another red day. I need to make a trip and get some beans before I do a green day so I really enjoy it I think. I'm much less tired today as Clevins slept for 6 whole hours last night! From 9pm until 3am! I feel like a new woman although I'm not getting too excited, it may have been a one off!

I have an appointment with the midwife today for my second session of perineal retraining...something I think only France does. The whole concept is utterly bizarre but practically obligatory...ctually motherhood in France is bizarre! Anyway we'll have a nice long walk as her office is about 40 minutes walk away. I don't see the point in taking the car as it'd take just as long to find a parking space and Clevins hasn't had any injections yet so I'd rather not take him on the public transport, just in case. The walk willdo us both some good too.

So here's my food for today:

Breakfast: orange, yoghurt, 2x weetabix (HEB1) and 250ml ss milk (HEA1)
Snack: 3 slices of ham with mixed leaves rolled inside, 3xtucs (4.5 syns)
Lunch: salmon & broccoli
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