Setting your target weight


Full Member
I have a provisional target weight of what I was before I had my first son in my mind, but I may want to go lower. Before I
got pregnant for the first time I had spent years on and off diets so I know I wasn't happy with that weight. To stay in the healthy BMI range I could go about a stone less than that although I don't think that would be realistic for me. Although my sister has done it and looks great. I won't know what my ultimate target is until I reach my first one and see how my body looks and I feel.

My problem is that if I set a target and reach it I will then only be able to change it by 7lbs in order to become a target member again and that is probably more than I might want to do. Can I set my target weight weight when I reach it and then not vary within 3lbs up or down of it? Or do I have to set it in advance? I don't want to end up paying to come when I've reached my ultimate target.
You can set a target whenever you want.
When I first did SW, I set an unrealistic target and when I was struggling with the same pound for a few weeks I asked to target then, and that was fine.
This time I set a pretty low target too and then changed it to something realistic. I am only five pounds away, and I asked if I could change it when I reached it if I felt I wanted to go lower. My consultant said that I can change it whenever I want but I think that when you actually say that you want to target at a weight and become a target member you have to stay within 3 pounds either way.
I hope this helps!
Thanks for that, but I think the SW rule is that once you've set a target you can only change it by 7lbs. So I think it's best if I officially set my SW target when I've reached it. I just want to know if I can do that.

I think this 7lb rule is to do with target members going free.
Like Malaiki said, you don't have to decide your target till you get there but once you've called target then you can only change it by 7lb at a time.
My understand from what I've read elsewhere is that SW will be changing this in the new year so that you could set a new target without having to comit to losing a whole 7lbs.
i think it says if u go more than 3lb below ur trget they will ask u to either come back up to target or reset it to 7lbs less than previous target. that is because u would already be only 3lbs away from the new target. i think its worded confusingly
Yeah, from what I've heard they are changing the rules come the new year about re-setting your target (possibly getting rid of the old 7 lbs rule).
I have also set my target at 12 stone which was my pre kids weight i cant remember ever being lighter than that but when i reach that target i may want to go alot lower i just wanted to set a realistic target