Sharon's Diary

Morning Sharon, how are you feeling today? The sun isn't shining here yet but I think it'll be out later. Enjoy your day xx
Hey Gabs - YEP TOTALLY on track today - just been speaking with Twiggy about my menu today actually - saved 4 points yesterday and will save 3 today. AND I'm working from home today so can sit in the garden. Woohooo

Hayley - Yep sun is out here already :) Just makes me smile - sure I must suffer from SAD or something ;) Have a great day!
have a great day Sharon! :D xxx
Hi Sharon

Me thinks I got SAD too - as like u I love the sunshine and hearing the birdies twittering ;o)

Have a lovely day in the garden and well done you on saving those points ...I'm impressed xxx
I reckon im a fellow sad sufferer too! self diagnosed of course.. I cant stand winter Im sure I was born in the wrong country I just lurve baking myself in the sun:):):)

Heres hoping you all got to have a nice little sit out in the garden today xx
Hello from another SAD person. Seriously I hate the cold dark weather as well. The sun sparks me back to life and I certainly don't feel quite so stressed. Me thinks i'll have tot move some where hot and exotic.... Hope you've had a good day x:)
Good luck for WI xx
good luck for WI Sha xx
good luck my little sweetie pie - post results soon as - i got everythin crossed for u and twigs!!! xx

ps.good work on ur points hun - keep goin like u are and ur be feelin like a million dollars by summer!! xx
Hi all!

Well ... lost half a pound. AND ... I'm happy! it's a LOSS, and seeing as I'm still about 20 points over for the week I'm counting my blessings!

Have a v difficult week next week as I'm going away to a hotel with work from Sunday -Weds. In the past I've used these as excuses to eat and get v. drunk, so I need a new outlook this time. Will DEFINITELY go to the gym in the mornings so I can have a bit of relax in the evenings. So really, my aim for next week's weigh in is to STS, and any losses will be a bonus!

Hey Sharon

Well done hun on your half a pound loss and all the best for next week as its never easy being away from home especially staying away in hotel with work lots of temptation ;o) xxx
I know! also, the big problem is we had to choose our evening meal menu's a while back, which I did, but it was when I wasn't being 100% .... AND they didn't have any foods that were THAT healthy ... so I intend to eat my starter and main, and either 1) tell the waiter not to serve my dessert OR 2) have a mouthful,. then quickly put my serviette over it and push it away .. Please let me be hit with the biggest of all lightning strikes of motivation!!!

Hey Sharon, Congrats on your loss especially when you didn't expect it. Good luck for your business trip, try and drink plenty of water especially before your evening meal, you may eat less.
Have a good evening xx
You can do it Shar! most times all I want is a taste of something sweet after my dinner i.e a small mouthful & im happy:)
make sure you squash that serviette right into whatever pudding it is then you cant go back for any more as it will be a right mess! xx p.s well done on the half pound
good luck for your trip Sha, hope you have a good day today too :) x
Hope your trip goes well and you remain strong but if not it'll be off in no time.

Good luck
