Sharons exante jounery

Week 3

Day one Tuesday 17th August
Morning: Choc shake

Afternoon: Bar (nice)
Evening: Mushroom soup

Day two Wednesday 18th August
Drove 530 miles so day off

Day Three Thursday 19th August
Drive 530 miles so day off

Day Four Friday 20th August - no in ketosis
AM - Shake
PM - tuna, mayo

Day Five Saturday 21st August
AM - shake
PM - pork chops, eggs, mayo

Day Six Sunday 22nd August - back in ketosis
AM - 2 boiled eggs with paprika and mayo
PM - 2 babybells + shake
PM - Steak, egg, mushrooms, garlic, mayo

Day Seven Monday 23rd August
AM - 2 boiled eggs with paprika and mayo
PM - soya spicy chicken

Right I seem to have found a diet that is working for me - who says your must do one diet only? :D LOL I seem to be mixing extante and atkins at the moment and its working very well on the scale (weigh in tomorrow) and i feel really happy with it.
think its going down well with the family to as i can eat with them
That's really interesting as I was just researching Atkins as I have discovered that carbs are my enemy due to another condition which means my body stores them as fat rather than using them as energy.
I was just texting my OH to ask him to order me the book from Amazon and was amused that predictive text turns the word 'atkin' in 'bulge' lol
hahaha bulge thats funny!
LOL most of the informatuion is on the atkins website, but basically i am just having eggs (I love eggs and have 13 lovely hens laying for me) meat and mayo LOL with some very low carb veg

good luck x
i feel really better when i dont have carbs, also ment to be good for my pcos
Lol, same condition - PCOS. Have done lots of reading about why we gain weight with it and the bottom line is the way our bodies use carbs. It can't process them as energy efficiently so stores as fat.
yeah i hope it helps with everything as we been trying for over 2 years, i can count how many TOTMs I have had in that time on one hand but hey I had one 2 weeks ago :) so that stone I lost and no carbs must be helping!

LOL........just hoping I ovulate now
lol i am not doing atkins atkins i just not eating carbs but doing lean meat etc not tons of fat with exante :) and i can have garlic meyo so very happy
oh ment to say the book is crazy from what i herd very hard to follow but you can download a PDF from the atkins website and its a easy to follow bullet poitn list xx
well thats 8 pound more off for me - happy about that :)
Current Stats
End of week 3 stats

Weight 21st 11lb - down 21 in total pounds
Body Fat % 44.5 - down 1% in total
Visceral fat 17 - down 1

BMI 48 - down 3.1
Muscle Mass % 29.7 - up 0.4% in total
Body Water % 40.6 - 0.7% in total
What a result! Keep it up Sharon, and bit by bit you will get there. :)
Just noticed you have a big incentive this week to go uner the next marker. Only 5 pounds to go ! Its a brill feeling when you go into another range changes how you feel about yourself.
lol thanks cannyscot but i think your reading my start weight not my current weight under it :) but thanks anyway xxx
Brilliant loss, well done :happy096: