Shaza Diary ~ Happy new year all ~ I'm off to Ireland tomorrow wey hey

Hiya Shaz,

Just saying "hello".
Hi Ya CC

Lovely that you "dropped in"

I am great how about you

Friday the 13th was made redundant from my lovely job. Not looking it now like the end ~ looking at it as a brand new day and I brand new opportunity

Not sure what to do yet but I am sure that it will be amazing

Love to All

I am doing fine thanks Mandie

Still bit sad about the closure of the company I work for ~ but new beginnings for me !!!

Going to job centre plus on Friday at 11 so see what that brings ~ still at work helping close the company and trying my best to lighten the load for the directors (unpaid of course but there you go)

How are you hunny bun

Luv Luv
Hello Shaza, got some good news AT LAST!!! One of the directors at hubby's place told him that there were going to be NO REDUNDANCIES from the shop floor, just management & office staff, what a relief! :)As he's the sole wage-earner it was a worry but I knew it would be unlikely to get rid of the only printers on each press, it would have been the unskilled people first. Now he's done 12 hour shifts all week & he's in all week-end too, there's overtime booked in for all of August so after we come back from my parents in August (4th-12th) I SHOULD be able to go back on CD,:) hope Ann can fit me in!
ANYWAY....I hope you are well, staying on plan & happy, any joy in job hunting or are you waiting for a bit first before looking?

Hi All

Just a quickie

90lbs gone for good

wey hey

I am so so pleased really trying to be in the 16's by next week then off to france so got to be careful out there

I want to put some before and during photos on so will do it after my hols
Hi All

Just a quickie

90lbs gone for good

wey hey

I am so so pleased really trying to be in the 16's by next week then off to france so got to be careful out there

I want to put some before and during photos on so will do it after my hols

:bliss: :bliss: :bliss: :party0011::party0011::party0011:


You've done so brilliantly! You should be so so pleased :D It is a huge achievement :D Have a bonne vacance (if you'll pardon the French ;) )
OOh Shaza you are doing FAB, I'm so pleased for you, with all the stress you have been under with losing your job it is EXTRA BRILLIANT!!! (I know it's not grammatically correct but you know what I mean!) Hope you have a brilliant & SUNNY holiday!!

90lbs !!!!!!!!!!!!:party0011:
what a star you are
well done shaz
i hope i follow in your footsteps, i have 99lb left to go :D
you have done so well
i am so happy for you

kaz :D
Oh look at you Kazbo ~ looking slimmer by the day, lets keep a little eye out for each other, just to keep each other on the straight and narrow.

Bit apprehensive about how I will be in France (food wise) as I really dont want to gain much weight if any. I am not strong enough to SS on my hols so I intend to have shake for breaky, soup or muffin for lunch and then a low carb sensible meal ~ well thats what I intent to do ~ what I really do is another matter. I just dont want to put alot of weight on its just not worth it and I will be so disapointed in myself. Oh well its in my hands to either loose ~ gain ~ or stay the same, no one is forcing food into my mouth. I will have to give myself a little pep talk and a big kick up the bum on holiday and try my best to be a really good girl.

Sorry to waffle I am filling in all sorts of forms for the government for my redundancy pay etc etc and I am brain dead !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Speak to you all soon and thanks for your lovely comments about my 90lb weight loss. I want to be in the century club (lost 100lb or more) by the time I see you all in sunny old Birmingham in Sept.

By the way ~ WHAT IS WITH THE WEATHER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
morning shazza
yep definetly keep an eye on each other
hopefully that way we`ll stay at our goal weights :D

Hi Shaza, saw Ann yesterday & asked how you were, YES I'm back on CD!!!! Rang Ann & she had a cancellation so she came to see me STRAIGHT AWAY!!! I'm SO EXCITED!!! My size 16's were getting tight so it was just in the nick of time!
I hope you have a FAB time in France, just don't drink TOO MUCH wine, lol (is there such a thing as TOO much wine?) or eat lots of yummy garlic bread or meat/veg in creamy sauces!!!! Though to be honest who can go abroad & stay on SS??? Superman/woman????
Thank God I'm only at my parents for my hols, mum has been given orders to make hubby feed the kids, I'll peel & prep veg & wash the pots BUT will leave the room whilst they eat & clear the plates into the bin, then I can come in & wash up. I will have a little salad & chicken if we go out for a drink, though gin & fizzy water isn't my idea of fun, much nicer Tia Maria & coke!! Though if we both want to be slinky for Christmas we have to stay good, I'm sure SIZE 12 will be worth going without booze & food!!
Enjoy your trip & relax, I'm sure you need it afdter the last few weeks!!xxxxxx

Just had to post the fact that had a very busy day yesterday

Went to hospital for usual blood test and also test with new big consultant about my swollen painful legs ~ after much debate with consultant and 4 lovely student docs he told me nothing to worry about, chest, heart and lungs perfect ~ its just linked with my RA and the fact that I am a pre menopausal middle aged women !!!!!

I nearly hit him ~ who me I said ~ I am in my prime, much giggling from the very young students and off I went.

Bit of retail therapy called as I am going to France touring and have just no clothes (no really no clothes!!!) everything is far too big. Went to new look and tried on some tops, I know that the tops are smocky types so loose around the hips etc but I picked up a really really lovely green satiny smocky (sounds awful I know but really lovely !!) top for £5 only had it in size 12 so I thought ~ in for a giggle go and try it on

It fit me lovely so I was well chuffed ~ its beautiful so wore it to pub quiz last night and my friends drew breath when they saw me and said Oh my god you are looking so slim

Its lovely when this happens and I am so pleased at my weight loss so far. Long Long way to go yet but more than half the way now so I am on the final straight.


Welcome back girlie !!!!!!! We are so lucky to have Ann as our counsellor she is a absolute star

Enough about me ~ hows everybody doing this week ?????
OMG, Size 12!!! FANTASTIC!!!!
How ace that your friends say it as it is too! :D I love friends like that :D I am SO looking forward to Brum and seeing you! Will probably not recognise you (unless you post pics on here first!!!)... :)

So happy about your new top! That's just the best feeling :)
struggling with my joints

Hi all

I am really struggling at the moment health wise ~ and my joints (not cannabis tee hee) are swollen, stiff and really really sore. Went to see big consultant on Thursday for my big check up and my rhumatoid levels have more than doubled in a week. So thats why I feel so stiff and sore, I need to try and get a bit more mobile and get my pain under control before I head of to France in my lovely motorhome with hubby

My consultant said that a combination of the stress and strain of loosing my job and the weather have all taken its toll on my health but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired, I feel like I have been kicked by a horse and my hands are kiling me typing this.But I just need to

Moan moan moan

Sorry for moaning on and on but I hate this, I feel so old and fed up with it all ~ the constant pain just wears me down

Going now get in bed with a hot drink and really strong painkillers to sort me out.

Moan Moan Moan

Just read this and enough already,

There was a fat old bird called Shar
Who couldnt fasten her own bra
So she let them hang down
Daughter did frown
This is my attempt at a joke ha ha

Now then that is so silly that it has cheered me up ~ hope no one reads this

Keep your Spirits up Shar Shar
shaz you are a star
i love your atempt at poetry :rotflmao:

sorry your in pain, hope it all eases up for france

size 12 top :wow:
and i bet you did look gorgeous
well done shaz keep thinking of what you have achived so far and stay happy
well done lady you are doing great

kaz :D