Shazza's No Cheat Weight Loss Diary

Ok, so am officially starting my weight loss challenge for myself as of today - starting weight 94kgs (207.2lbs) :cry: Am going to try to aim for 10kgs (22lbs) loss in 26 days - for my son's 3rd birthday.

Am going to continue on with the VLCD that I am on until I reach my goal of 63kgs (139lbs) - I am not going to allow myself to have ANY CHEATS AT ALL!:8855: for the next 26 days and then, maybe, depending on how I feel for my son's birthday, perhaps have abit of something or an alcholic drink, then back to it until I reach goal.

I have been struggling with my weight for as long as I can remember and will get a handle on it once and for all!:D I am not hungry at all on the Optifast Program - just feel the emotional tugs sometimes by food, I will remain strong and have the end goal as my focus!!:rolleyes:

I have found this site so useful for inspiration and motivation and hopefully can do the same for others in the future, by showing it can be done.

My weigh-in's will be on Mondays on my diary as this will make me accountable.

Good luck to everyone else out there who may be starting their journey today or progressing along. xxx:wave_cry:
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Thanks Shanny and Minusfour for your encouragement (Shanny - your results are simply amazing, you must be sooooo proud of yourself xx
Ok, just a quick update, it's day 3 and I have been 100% :D I am not hungry at all I had a quick peak at the scales this morning and it says......... 90.9kgs (200.4lbs)............ so I may very well being on track of loosing at least 22lbs in 26 days........... That being my first goal then to get to my final goal, onwards and downwards I say!!!
Well it's Saturday afternoon, and I looked at the scales this morning which said 89kgs (196lbs!!) :eek: so very happy with that and I still have another day to go before my first weeks weigh-in, so may well be even happier yah!!! I am extremely impressed with myself I have to say (not meaning to sound 'whats the word for it'! full of myself..:kissass:..) but have done it 100% - no cheats and all the while been cooking all meals and lunches for the family as well as making muffins and such for the local Kindy fundraising...... and no, I did not even lick my fingers or the spoon :angel09:. I have to honestly say that, along with also giving up smoking (pack a day).....I am finding it so easy this time, that is not to say that my mind has not been playing tricks on me and a little voice, only now and then, says to me, go on just one little bite won't hurt, or it's only an egg - which is protein, so you will stay in Ketosis - so that wont matter and other little random thoughts.......:17729:But I know, that if I was to cheat this time, I would be so upset with myself........ I have a strong image in my mind of how I want to again 'look and feel' :banana dancer:and I am not prepared to let my emotions get in the way of that. I can honestly say that I am not hungry in the slightest, feel happy within myself (I may be fat but now at least I'm doing something about it attitude) and in general almost positive I will get to my goal weight.

Hope everyone else is doing well on their weightloss journey xxxx
Good luck on your journey hun! x
good luck, sounds like you're doing really well so far :)
Oh well done, you've had some fab progress! It must be so hard with a kiddie who I bet is always snacking on all sorts of awesome kid food.
Thank you all for your wonderful words of encouragement. Pink, yes it can be hard - but I guess I just have the goal so clear in my mind this time, that it really does not tempt me (much!!).

Well here is my weight week 1 88.6kgs (195lbs) making that a total loss of 5.4kgs (14lbs) in first week!!! :wow: Am stoked, figure though, that the weight loss will go slower now, but am very happy with that.

By the way am only going to weigh myself each week now and that will be on Monday mornings first thing.

I've also been thinking abit more in depth as too weather or not I will eat anything for my son's birthday, end of this month, or not, I think I started off last week saying that this would be my plan, but I honestly now think that would be a bad idea! I think I would find it hard to get back on the 100% train :character00182:and I am seriously no where near goal......... so I am thinking perhaps not or should I say definately not!! I think I will be very happy with this decision come 3 months time when I am so much closer....... I guess it is not just about weight loss this journey, but about changing our emotional 'wants' as well..... I am lying in bed last night seriously wondering why I have allowed myself to get like this, I was also looking at many photos of me in the past - I was never really overweight up until say the last 10 years - that's when I do not have many photos either........

It is going to be a journey on many levels, but I am really excited for once about my destination and the belief that I will get there!:gen157:

Good luck everyone else on your journey and thanks again for all your support xxx
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OMG 14lbs! that is a mad amount of weight loss in a week! x
14lb in a week? Seriously? Crikey, that's amazing, well done!

Think of all the photos you'll be able to have of you and your littleun, without being ashamed!
The thing that got my in gear was seeing photos of me at my goddaughter's Christening, the kind of picture she'll see for the rest of her life and I look awful. It'll be nice to have some photos of the two of us in a year that I can be proud of, that feeling must be threefold for a mummy.

Congrats on your loss so far, keep it up!!
Best wishes.
Thanks so much Ria and Pink...... yes was alot of weight to loose in a week, however, I have some disapointing news!! I have crashed BIG TIME,,,,, I didn't see it coming either..... was so positive and all until the evening when I had a few of my son's chips, then finished off a bag of chips, followed by a few glasses of red wine, 1 chicken snitzchel burger, 1 small ice cream, and this morning weighed in at 90.2 kgs!!!! :banghead:199 lbs!!! So in actual fact - was not on the fantastic start that I thought I was......... Am really PO'd with myself....... just goes to show, I should NEVER HAVE HAD THOSE FEW CHIPS TO START WITH....... it just lead me to binge!! very disappointing.
Ok, I bet you've punished yourself enough by now. Time to draw a line in the sand and get on with it.
Probably your diet is a bit too strict. Probably your aspiration to never cheat is unrealistic. We are all human, thank goodness!
You've made such a good start, don't waste it. Dust yourself off, mutter a bit, and get on your way.
Good luck, hope today has been better!
That's some good advice right there ^
Don't worry hun!
Best wishes.
Thanks minusfour and Pink for your kind words :wave_cry: I will just get back on the horse again........... it has made me feel so much better reading your words of encouragement. xxx Wishing you luck on your journeys too!!
Heya luv, how's everything going?
Best wishes x