Shhhhhhh .....I'm losing it with Slimfast


is smiling :D
Might as well start a diary, keep track of my food/cals, motivate myself a bit seeing it in black and white lol.
I need to exercise too (note to self)
Got a good deal on my shakes and snacks today in Superdrug, they're all on 3 for 2, bought 6 drinks, 6 snacks and saved £4 and I paid with my beautycard and got another £4 off.
Bought some WW ready meals in Iceland (3 for £3) as they're calorie counted, makes my main meal easier, I'll just add some veggies to it, and maybe a piece of fruit afterwards to bump the cals upto 600. It all depends on which meal I have and which veggies.
You may have noticed I like to save my pennies LOL always looking for the best deal :)
The one thing I wont buy are the powder shake mixes, ugh gross. I love the ready to drink shakes tho especially cafe latte.
Before I was dieting I used to buy it just for the drink, so yummy.
My slimfast snack of choice are the pretzels, tho they are really expensive considering all the 100 cal snacks I could have, like certain crisps, fruit, yogurts etc.

Enough of the food, what about me?
I'm 49, be 50 in september (boo) have 3 grandsons, one of whom is only 3 weeks old bless him. I have 3 children, my eldest daughter in Canada with 2 kids & another on the way, and one daughter of 19 who lives me, and a married son who has just had the new baby and lives fairly close by.
I've been ill for 2 years with Bipolar disorder, I was diagnosed in October 2010, recovery has been slow, I had a really bad 'crash'. So I have to take meds which dont help the weight much. And then my thyroid went, and I have to take thyroxine too...but I am on the mend now, so hence the need to drop this load of weight! :D
I have noticed this forum seems a bit slow, but I'm hoping if I'm active here everyday then maybe more folks will come out of the woodwork and I get to meet you all :D
Hiya Kitty,

the forum is often pretty slow. I use SF on and off mixed with WW and my own healthy eating.

I understand re the mental illness as i suffer with bouts of depression varying in intensity. Doesnt help matters.

Ready meals are handy to have as they are quick and easy but please be careful as they contain a lot of salt etc. I tend to have to same as the rest of the family just in smaller portions.

Good luck on your journey :)
Hi Loser85 thanks for stopping by, having ready meals is just temporary to get me going without to much faffing about trying to calorie count my dinner :)..or maybe I'm just lazy lol
Good luck on your journey too!

Todays menu was:
Breakfast: Raspberry crush shake
Lunch: Blissful Banana shake
Dinner: WW cottage pie, 125g peas, small banana
Snacks: Graze Focaccia bread, Graze green olives with garlic
Vodka (25ml only!) & diet coke.
Total Cals: 1163

and..... thats me done for today tho if I'm honest I could carry on eating but I've set myself a rule, no food after 6pm. I have to eat everything at dinnertime, which I usually have about 5pm.

The Graze foods are from a Graze snack box I have delivered once a week containing 4 snacks, thankfully they come with full nutrition info so I know the calories.

I'm feeling happy to have made it so easily through my 1st day, hopefully day 2 will be just as good.
Day 2
Bit more difficult today, a few hunger pangs, but I stuck to it.

Dinner WW lasagne & big salad
Snacks: SF Pretzels, Banana, Graze flapjack, Nescafe Cappuccino
Total Cals: 1308

Slightly higher than I wanted on the calories, hoping to stay closer to 1200 long as I dont go above 1400 I guess I can call today a win :)
Day 3
Had some bad news today that kind of put me a spin, classic time to stuff my face, but I didnt.
Actually focusing on my diet helped, so still on track. Weighed myself today, I'm down a pound. I tend to be a daily weigher, I like to see how I'm doing. I know a lot of people say "only weigh once a week" but we are all different and I'm a daily weigher so there! lol
Todays menu
Breakfast: shake
Lunch: shake
Dinner: WW chicken dinner, green beans, WW oven Chips (I know weird huh? I wanted to bulk it out)
Snacks: SF cheddar bites, Nescafe Cappuccino, 2 satsumas
Total Cals: 1180